An original 'KQBP vs kp' four-move chess problem generated by Chesthetica using the Digital Synaptic Neural Substrate (DSNS) computational creativity approach. The DSNS does not use endgame tablebases, neural networks or any kind of machine learning found in traditional artificial intelligence (AI). It also has nothing to do with deep learning. There is also no proven limit to the quantity or type of legal compositions that can be automatically generated.
White to Play and Mate in 4
Chesthetica v10.67 : Selangor, Malaysia
2018.6.17 9:32:57 AM
These chess puzzles are published in order based on the composition date and time stamp above. Due to the sheer volume of compositions generated, the latest ones may therefore only be published later on. White has a decisive material advantage in this position but the winning sequence may not be immediately clear. Do share and try out some of the others too. Take some time to study the analysis and you might appreciate the puzzle a little more.
Solution (Skip to 0:35)
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