Computer-Generated Chess Problem 02172

Here is a 'KRPP vs knpppp' chess construct composed autonomously by the prototype computer program, Chesthetica, using the DSNS computational creativity approach which doesn't use any kind of traditional AI.

n7/1p1P4/8/3pp3/3k4/2R2K1p/3P4/8 w - - 0 1
White to Play and Mate in 4
Chesthetica v10.67 : Selangor, Malaysia
2018.6.24 6:46:33 PM
Solvability Estimate = Difficult

Chesthetica, especially if running on multiple computers or operating system user accounts, is capable of generating far too many compositions than can be published in a timely fashion here. The newer ones will therefore only be published some time later. This is why the composition date above does not match today's date. Material is even. Leave a comment below if you like. Solving chess puzzles like this is probably good for your health as it keeps your brain active. Nobody wants something like early-onset Alzheimer's.

Solution (Skip to 0:35)

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