A newly published and original KQRRBBN vs kqrnnp mate in 4 chess problem generated by a computer using the 'Digital Synaptic Neural Substrate' computational creativity method. It does not use endgame tablebases, artificial neural networks, machine learning or any kind of typical AI. Noteworthy here is that a chess position with over 7 pieces could not have been derived or taken from an endgame tablebase because 7 pieces is the present limit.
White to Play and Mate in 4
Chesthetica v10.69 : Selangor, Malaysia
2018.7.25 5:32:43 AM
Some of the earliest chess problems by humans are over 10 centuries old but original ones by computer are very recent. White is over a rook's worth in material but the precise win in this position still needs to be found. Try to solve this puzzle. Do try some of the others in the series as well before you go. Take some time to study the analysis and you might appreciate the puzzle a little more.
Main Line of the Solution (Skip to 0:35)
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