Computer-Generated Chess Problem 02689

What we have here is a 'KQRRP vs kqrrbbp' five-move chess problem generated by the prototype computer program, Chesthetica, using the 'DSNS' computational creativity approach which does not use any kind of machine or deep learning. Chesthetica is able to use the technology to express original creative thought in this domain. It also never had behind it a team of highly skilled programmers, consultants or the kind of hardware millions of IBM or Google dollars could buy. There is no known limit to the quantity or type of compositions that can be generated. Any chess position over 7 pieces could not possibly have been derived from an endgame tablebase which today is limited to 7 pieces.


8/5K2/3r4/4bbk1/3rRR2/7P/2Q3p1/7q w - - 0 1
White to Play and Mate in 5
Chesthetica v11.25 (Selangor, Malaysia)
Generated on 16 Jun 2019 at 5:30:15 AM
Solvability Estimate = Moderate

If you notice any version of Chesthetica 'skipped' from one problem to the next, that simply means additional (minor) changes were made to the program before it was set to run again. White actually has less material than Black. The white army is down by about 6 (Shannon) pawn units in value. Did you find this one interesting or have something else to say? Leave a comment below! Solving chess puzzles like this can also help improve your game. If you're bored of standard chess, though, why not try this?

Main Line of the Solution (Skip to 0:35)

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