Computer-Generated Chess Problem 02937

Published online for the first time, consider this KQRN vs kqrp four-move chess puzzle or problem (whichever you wish to call it) composed by Chesthetica using the Digital Synaptic Neural Substrate AI computational creativity method. There is also no proven limit to the quantity or type of legal compositions that can be automatically generated. Noteworthy here is that a chess position with over 7 pieces could not have been derived or taken from an endgame tablebase because 7 pieces is the present limit.


1q1RrN2/6k1/8/4p3/2K5/8/8/7Q w - - 0 1
White to Play and Mate in 4
Chesthetica v11.70 (Selangor, Malaysia)
Generated on 30 May 2020 at 7:23:16 PM
Solvability Estimate = Moderate

If you notice any version of Chesthetica 'skipped' from one problem to the next, that simply means additional (minor) changes were made to the program before it was set to run again. Get a glimpse into the 'mind' of a computer composer. Leave a comment below, if you like. As a whole, these problems are intended to cater to players of all skill levels. Anyway, if standard chess isn't your thing, you might instead like SSCC.


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