Computer-Generated Chess Problem 03144

Here is a new 'KQRBBN vs krpp' forced mate in three chess problem generated autonomously by the prototype computer program, Chesthetica, using the DSNS computational creativity approach which doesn't use any kind of traditional AI. Chesthetica has the creative ability to compose positions that may otherwise take centuries to arise in an actual game, if ever. Chesthetica is able to generate mates in 2, mates in 3, mates in 4, mates in 5, study-like constructs and also compose problems using specific combinations of pieces fed into it (such as using only two bishops versus knight). Read more about it on ChessBase. Any chess position with this many pieces could not possibly have been obtained from known endgame databases. Chesthetica is therefore the real McCoy.


2K5/8/4B3/4p3/2p5/5kB1/4rN1Q/1R6 w - - 0 1
White to Play and Mate in 3
Chesthetica v12.18 (Selangor, Malaysia)
Generated on 31 Dec 2020 at 1:24:20 PM
Solvability Estimate = Difficult

Now, let's see what else there is to say. Give me a moment. Try to solve this as quickly as you can. If you like it, please share with your friends. Take some time to study the analysis and you might appreciate the puzzle a little more.


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