Computer-Generated Chess Problem 03455

Here is a new 'KQRR vs knppp' mate in 3 chess puzzle or problem (whichever you wish to call it) composed by the program, Chesthetica, using the approach known as the DSNS from the sub-field of AI, computational creativity. Chesthetica is able to generate mates in 2, mates in 3, mates in 4, mates in 5, study-like constructs and also compose problems using specific combinations of pieces fed into it (e.g., instructing it to compose something using perhaps two queens vs. four rooks). Read more about it on ChessBase. The largest endgame tablebase in existence today is for 7 pieces (Lomonosov) which contains over 500 trillion positions, most of which have not been seen by human eyes. This problem with 9 pieces goes even beyond that and was therefore composed without any such help.


2R3Q1/5p1K/4pk2/4pn2/8/3R4/8/8 w - - 0 1
White to Play and Mate in 3
Chesthetica v12.39 (Selangor, Malaysia)
Generated on 16 Sep 2021 at 4:34:19 AM
Solvability Estimate = Moderate

Humans have been composing original chess problems for over a thousand years. Now a computer can do it too. Get a glimpse into the 'mind' of a computer composer. If this one is too easy or too difficult for you, try out some of the others. Feel free to copy the position into a chess engine and discover even more variations of the solution.


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