Now, this is a 'KRBB vs kqrp' mate in 4 chess puzzle by a computer program, Chesthetica, using the Digital Synaptic Neural Substrate (DSNS) computational creativity approach. It doesn't use endgame tablebases, neural networks or any kind of machine learning found in traditional AI. Any chess position with this many pieces could not possibly have been obtained from known endgame databases. Chesthetica is therefore the real McCoy.
White to Play and Mate in 4
Chesthetica v12.44 (Selangor, Malaysia)
Generated on 5 Dec 2021 at 10:51:07 AM
Some of the earliest chess problems by humans are over 10 centuries old but original ones by computer are very recent. What was the machine 'thinking' when it came up with this? Did you find this one interesting or have something else to say? Leave a comment below! Feel free to copy the position into a chess engine and potentially discover even more variations. If you're bored of standard chess, though, why not try this?
A Similar Chess Problem by Chesthetica: 02451
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