Computer-Generated Chess Problem 03841

A new if not unique KRRBP vs kp chess puzzle by the program, Chesthetica, using the DSNS computational creativity approach which does not use any kind of machine or deep learning. You can learn more about the DSNS here.


8/8/5B2/2R5/1k6/1PR5/1p3K2/8 w - - 0 1
White to Play and Mate in 5
Chesthetica v12.60 (Selangor, Malaysia)
Generated on 2 Sep 2022 at 3:52:25 PM
Solvability Estimate = Difficult

Chesthetica, especially if running on multiple computers or operating system user accounts, is capable of generating far too many compositions than can be published in a timely fashion here. The newer ones will therefore only be published some time later. This is why the composition or generation date above does not match today's date. White has a decisive material advantage in this position but the winning sequence may not be immediately clear. Do you think you could have composed something better with these pieces? Share in the comments and let us know how long it took you. Over time, the tactics you see in these puzzles will help you improve your game. If you're bored of standard chess, though, why not try this?


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