Take a look at this 'KQRN vs kb' mate in two chess problem generated autonomously by Chesthetica using the fairly new computational creativity approach known as the DSNS (Digital Synaptic Neural Substrate). You can learn more about the DSNS here.
White to Play and Mate in 2
Chesthetica v12.63 (Selangor, Malaysia)
Generated on 24 Oct 2022 at 6:55:15 AM
These chess puzzles are published in order based on the composition date and time stamp above. Due to the sheer volume of compositions generated, the latest ones may therefore only be published later on. White has a knight, a queen and a rook for Black's bishop. Try to solve this puzzle. Do try some of the others in the series as well before you go. Collectively, these puzzles are intended to cater to players of all levels.
Similar Chess Problems by Chesthetica: 00086, 02164, 03453, 03742, 03879.
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