China news roundup / Nachrichten

English news:

--- The site is currently blocked in China. There is currently no proper news site reporting this (hence you normally wouldn't find it here, but I got a question about this yesterday). But according to the site blockedinchina it's a fact. The site shows DApps like or as still available. This can vary regionally, though. The Great Firewall doesn't work in all places to the same degree & sometimes websites are available in one place but not in another. It may take a while until everything is blocked everywhere. If you want to check for yourself, go to the link above.

Air New Zealand flight's U-turn sparks claims of China tensions

"In a statement Air New Zealand said the plane was new to the company’s fleet, and did not have the correct paperwork allowing it to land in China."

--- So, nothing to see. Well, perhaps. The problem is that many companies go out of their way to not openly blame China for anything.

Huang Xiangmo: China billionaire mocks 'giant baby' Australia

"the billionaire said: "The history of Australia has determined the innate characteristics of a giant baby.""

--- Funny, that coming from a Chinese with close connections to the CCP. After all, the PRC is throwing tantrums every time someone "hurts the feelings of the Chinese".

Uighur crackdown: 'I spent seven days of hell in Chinese camps'

""I don't know why my father was imprisoned. He didn't violate any laws of China, he was not tried in a court,""

--- You don't need to be tried by a court, you just have to cross the CCP. Anyway, of course it's not imprisonment, it's the benevolent education of some primitive Muslims.

China and India help make planet leafier

"they didn’t know whether changes in farming and forestry were contributing to the changes.
Thanks to a Nasa instrument called Modis, which is orbiting the Earth on two satellites, they can now see that both are clearly playing a direct part"

--- So, essentially at least in China the majority of the greening comes from agriculture. Not to forget, the reforestation efforts are also not necessarily environmental friendly, very often being mono-cultures.

Video news:

--- Not news, but interesting: Hasan Minhaj's Patriot Act takes some shots at censorship in China

--- CNBC looks at Tesla's investment plans:

--- Bloomberg: "China's Desperately Looking for a Deal With Trump, Economist Lee Says"

Deutsche Nachrichten:

--- Da muscara gestern danach fragte: --- Die Seite wird inzwischen auch geblockt. Es gibt aber keine vernünftige Nachrichtenseite, die das meldet (weshalb es normalerweise auch nicht hier zu finden wäre). Wenn man auf blockedinchina nachsieht, scheint es jedenfalls ein Fakt zu sein. DApps wie oder scheinen noch nicht betroffen zu sein. Das kann aber regional unterschiedlich sein. Die Große Firewall funktioniert nicht überall in gleichem Ausmaß & manchmal sind Webseiten nur regional nicht erreichbar. Es kann eine Weile dauern, bis die Blockade überall greift. Generell bildet der Link oben aber die Realität für den größten Teil Chinas ab.

Neuseeländisches Flugzeug darf nicht in China landen

"Die Fluggesellschaft begründete dies mit einer „Verwaltungsangelegenheit“, ohne Details zu nennen."

--- Inzwischen gibt es mehr Details, siehe in den englischen Nachrichten. Ob die ganze Geschichte jemals rauskommt, muß sich erst noch zeigen.

--- Da es heute mal wieder kaum deutsche Nachrichten gibt, mal ein Hinweis auf ein Gewinnspiel:

GEWINNE eine Reise nach Hongkong und Taiwan!

"Unsere Verlosung läuft im Radio vom 18. bis 22. Februar. Morgens in der SWR3-Morningshow gibt's täglich dreimal die Chance, zu gewinnen."

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