Does time ever pass? + Karaoke! [Day 3 in Changde]

A Barista-to-be in his natural surrounding

While I am waiting for my working clothes to be handed over to me I'm illuminating the majestic looking roastery/ café with my bright coloured shirts.

2pm breakfast mango

Having edited last day's article quite long breakfast came late but delicious.

While the time on my smartphone was displaying 3:43pm neither the shade of the sun nor the feeling inhabiting my body on this midday-morning left any clue of the progressing day.

It was as if the day had just started and I have entered the roastery emerging straight from the refreshing realm of dreams.

Water fun with water gun

Yet even on a Saturday afternoon or better especially on a Saturday afternoon you cannot do other than enjoying the sight of a sprinkler right infront of your doorstep.

Even if that sprinkler is just the result of a regular hose badly attached. With 39°C outside temperature and a humidity level over 9000! you just take any refreshment passing your way.

Tell me what is time

The paradox of time occuring on this Saturday which's presence I yet search words for to proper describe may also have resulted by the sudden lack of errands to handle outside of Chinese Hanover.

Having becoming almost Chinese and the papertail coming along all set up the day before this day was the definition of a lazy Sunday just neither lazy nor a Sunday.

Brown Dripping Cold

Despite that, there are few smells enriching your lazy Sunday mid-day morning more than putting your nose in some aethiopian coffee beans. Especially on Saturday!

Brown beans of Gold

Today's task is setting up another Cold drip Coffee. Writing this I wonder what happens if you just use the whole beans for this quest. Probably nothing one would label coffee but maybe coffee flavored water.

Grinding some aethiopian coffee beans

A combination of 40gram of grinded coffee beans plus 600ml of water in addition to a quarter day time results in a beverage neither sour nor hot but rather refreshing.

Let it drop

A smooth and meditative drop per second opens the best space for the aromas to fully develop. How about some dripping trance?!

Dinner all oilio

I got told from day one on to expect a lot of oily, fatty food coming alomg my noodles but still I didn't expect this evening's noodles all oilio.

Is this noodle soup? Nope!

The evening greets Changde's lovely residents with it's yellow turquoise illuminating the passed by river and the vast streets which feel rather empty after having been to India.

We're on the way to watch a movie

I kinda miss my fellow cow buddies roaming the streets and alleys, chilling with the dogs and eating trash.

Flying back to India

Bollywood, you win!

Missing didn't take long. It's Bollywood night! Coincidence? I think not!

Normally an unwritten rule of movie nights is to not use your phone while having one. Yet I couldn't detain myself from sharing this piece of Bollywood gold with you.

3 idiots which is a pretty accurate description about many parts of life also happens to be the title of this very intense 2.5 hour long film taking place mostly at an Indian engineering University while not primarily focusing on university life but rather on many important life teachings in a humourous way showing a way to make citch great.

Equipped with snacks and tissues for emotional moments

Even though I'm not that much of a movie cryer even I had to retain myself a few times during the course of the movie.

In case of an tear cascade we atleast got the right equipment to deal with it. Food and tissues.

What a beauty

One of the greatest teaching of the movie according to my opinion is following:

Seek Excellence not success

Karaoke time

My day 3 being Aaron's day 30 or something and his last night in Changde calls for something special.

Changing plans from going to external K-TV, a karaoke provider, we decided to transform the roastery at night into a karaoke bar. Cocktails included!

Shake it baby!

I have no idea how that drink is called but the taste is as mesmerizing as the copper cup it was served in.
Oh yeah

Chang Chang Chang


With the night becoming late, the drinks getting warm and the music taking an emotional development one truly discovers what true love means.

A man and his dog

Thanks for stopping by, you're SuperAwesome!

Be sure to follow my blog @rootingrobert to get real life inside information out of Changde, China.

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