Inner Mongolian Nomadic Cattle Herders and Delicious 犇牛王 Benniu King Beef Jerky It's Halal. #TIC

I got offered to get in on a Group Buy deal with some teachers at one of the schools I teach at so I get to try some Chinese Beef Jerky, The brand claims to be Halal.

"Hand to tear dried beef Inner Mongolia food" <-- 手撕风干牛肉 内蒙古美食

Where is it? It borders Mongolia at the top of the country. Another buffer zone China between Russia, just in case.

Living the nomadic life is such a dream for many but most of us want to be ”digital nomads” rather than living in tents in the wild grasslands of Inner Mongolia. For these people it’s a proud lifestyle of strength and skill.

I love beef jerky. One of my best memories is chewing on it while paddling through Algonquin park as a kid. Personally I like the really dry thinly sliced over the chunkier less dry style. However this was a pretty damn good and it’s easily the best I’ve had in years, considering I haven’t had any in years.

This was still quite chewy and not too salty, I could taste the quality.

Grass fed, free roaming cattle in northern China. This place still has roaming cattle herders as Inner Mongolia is still relatively undeveloped compared to south China in Guangzhou. Aside from the occasional dust storm from the Gobi desert the air and water quality is still quite pristine.

I hope I can make a visit to here before I leave China. I have so much left to see and I am hoping to do a big one month tour next year in old beat up van trekking across the country top to bottom. Dream stage still, lol

Visiting the grasslands in Inner Mongolia is a tourist attraction in its self. People can get out of the cities and see what's left of China’s wilderness. It adds more money to an incredibly desperate local economy in China.

It did take some digging to find out more information about the company. I mostly found different websites selling their products. I will tell you this much it’s delicious and they come in pre-sealed packages so it’s easy to share them with and make some friends. I sometimes keep a couple in my bag to snack on during my breaks between classes.

Many Chinese people prize getting food from here, it's generally more expensive then foods produced in the south or middle of China but it really depends what you're buying. Different regions are famous for different foods. Just like every other country. If this region wasn't making money doing it this way then they would be forced to industrialize which would obviously kill the environment and a way of life would be extinguished.

TIC = This Is China

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