Street Foods of Dalian China Part 2 Pork Ribs and Rice. TIC

Seems like endless options to get a variety of easy fast food served right on the side of the street in little vendors late into the night.

100% @solarguy content and photo.

This is the main strip near my home. It's a small but busy street like pretty much every other street in Dalian. I pass here daily and behind the restaurants in the main building is a large farmers market with produce, fish and meats. I'll share that another day. At night this place lights up and since the weather tonight is perfect for a stroll there were quite a few people out and about.

Walking past tonight this delicious looking meats caught my eye. I think they slow cook these in the house special recipe which is not shy with MSG. They love that stuff here. If I have too much it gives me a headache and I get an unquenchable thirst for water. It is delicious though.

Chicken feet I passed on. I have tried them in a few different ways just eating skin of a bone is unappealing for me. Everyone else here seems to love it. Chicken neck is alright not exactly sexy food to eat but when lounging at home watching show it's alright.

I ordered and picked out 2 meaty pieces of pork ribs. I'd had them here before in the winter but the workers have changed and I didn't recognize any of them. Price 39CNY with a rice. That's like $5US-ish.

I have eaten here a few times on my walk home when I'm not interested in cooking. The service is quick and polite plus they have photos on their menu board though I didn't need it tonight. They also have noodles and if I want to stay mini hot pots.

Got home and dug in. Finger foods and no dishes. Total win. What to have for desert?

Check Out Part 1 Here


TIC = This Is China

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