Just before the Battle of the Bulge, Patton prayed.

America's service members have huddled around campfires and sought refuge in foxholes they've called on their Creator for support...

In World War 2, when General George Patton...... ran into a problem that he couldn't solve he knew what to do.

He prayed.

President Donald Trump, at The Celebrate Freedom Rally 2017

Frustrated by rains that were stalling the advance of his Third Army across Europe, in early December 1944.....Patton asked an army chaplain to come up with a good prayer for the weather.

Patton then had a quarter of a million copies of that prayer printed and distributed to the soldiers of the Third Army just before the Battle of the Bulge.......

President Donald Trump, at The Celebrate Freedom Rally 2017

Patton assumes responsibility for winning the Battle of the Bulge.

The Patton Prayer

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