Christ tells the Pope, "the Vatican and all church assets are mine!"

Announcement by the Imperial Regent Angelus Domini

Today, July 28th 2017, Lord RayEl has officially laid Sovereign Claim to Vatican City and all properties and assets of the Holy See of Rome and its appendant bodies.

This is an informational release for the public, and should be distributed to media outlets as well as members and clergy of the Roman Catholic Church.

All followers of Lord RayEl are directed to immediately begin carrying out all necessary actions to enforce this Sovereign Claim.


The primary mission of the Knights Templar...

Our primary mission has been to protect the Sangraél, the very family bloodline of Christ Our Lord. This Mission has placed us at odds with the Roman Catholic Church for centuries, because the Roman Catholic hierarchy is a monarchy, and the Pope can only claim kingship to Rome's throne by denying the hereditary kingship of the Sangraél...
Today that ends...
Today, the Throne of Rome is reclaimed by its rightful heir.

The Holy See is one of the many crowns Our Lord is described having in Revelation 19:12.

Revelation 19:12 He has eyes like blazing fire, and many royal crowns on His head. He has a name written on Him that only He Himself knows.

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