Meeting The Christ - The Complete True Story

Amber Poling, Part One: Eyes of Christ

Even when I was a small child it seemed, to the discerning, that I was a child of God. Wind and rain would stop and start at my request and people were either afraid or denied what they saw. After my father died I declared YHVH would be my new Dad. By the age of 6 I was already heavily studying prophecy. Adults worried because I didn't act like a normal child, I was more like a tiny adult. By the age of 12 I was giving speeches and teaching adults about the Bible.

This gifted learning came at a price though. My mother became jealous and desired to have complete control over me. Before I knew what happened, all privileges outside the house were revoked. I wasn't even allowed to have friends. Depressed, I ran to my Father. I told Him everything. At one point I said, "I wish could talk to you in real time. Prayer is nice, but it's like a letter. I have to wait on a reply." Then I heard a voice say, "So, what do you want to talk about?" Shakened, I looked up! There before me stood a princely figure. He wore a daidem on His head that had 12 jewels going around it. His robe was floor length and had a sach that was pinned on His right shoulder. I could not see His face, and His appearance was that of a blue hologram. Terror struck me. I tried to scream but couldn't. I said, "You're not real. You can't be. This doesn't happen!"
He looked down it Himself as He said, "I'm not?"
"No! You're not real!"
"Then what am I?"
I thought for a moment. "I wanted to talk to God so bad my mind made you up."
He chuckled to Himself then replied, "Ok, but there's one problem with your theory."
"Yeah I know. You're standing there."
"So, what do you want to talk about?"
"I don't know. I forget. You're freaking me out."
He continued to stand there.
"I mean it! You're freaking me out! Please leave! I don't know what to do!"
"You said you wanted to talk. So, talk."
"I don't know what to say! You're scaring me!"
"Don't be scared. I'm here to listen to you. God has heard your prayer."
"I've been taught this doesn't happen. So I don't know what's going on. This can't be happening!" I threw the covers over my head and fretted myself to sleep. He stood there the whole time.

The next morning I awoke, utterly convinced I had fallen asleep while praying. I made a pot of coffee and opened the refrigerator to get my creamer.
"Sorry I frightened you last night."
My head still in the fridge, I thought 'It wasn't a dream?!' I stood up and saw a pair of eyes, seemingly sitting on the refrigerator door, looking at me, same blue hologram.
"Now before you panic, I'm not here to hurt you and you're not crazy. Our Father sent me to you so you wouldn't be alone and to teach you what you will need to know in the future. Feel free to ask me anything."
"Ok. So... What's your name?"
"I can't tell you that."
"Well we're off to a great start."
"Well, I have many names."
"So name one."
He looked behind Him, then answered, "Emanuel."
"So is that what you go by where you're from?"
"We're battin' a thousand today."
"I can't give you my name. It isn't time yet.", He looked into the refrigerator, "Your food is getting warm."
"Well, you're sitting on the door."
"Oh! It only looks like I'm sitting on the door. Go ahead and close it."
I closed it and the eyes stayed suspended in mid air. He moved to let me pass Him.
"Hmm... You like creamer?"
"Anything you want to discuss?"
"Not before my first cup of coffee."
I sat down in the living room and gazed at the mountains while savoring the coffee's aroma. The eyes stayed in the kitchen and stared at me.
"Is this your meditation time?" He whispered.
"No. It's my wake up time."
"You're being a little grouchy."
"I don't do mornings, I haven't had my first sip yet, and I'm talking to a pair of eyeballs. This day's weird and it hasn't even started yet."
He laughed then thought for a moment. "I'm sure it is weird."
I sipped my coffee, then said, "So how long are you staying."
"For a while."

Amber Poling, Part Two: The Teaching Begins

As weeks turned into months, the eyes proved to be a faithful companion. He gained my trust by being there and doing small tasks like telling me when someone was at the door before the person knocked. I eventually became curious and asked, "You were to teach me things. What are they?"
He looked surprised, "You really WANT to know?"
"If I didn't, I wouldn't ask."
"Anything you want to learn first?"
"Wisdom? Wisdom is knowing how to use knowledge. What knowledge do you desire?"
"Everything. All I can learn. I want to pick your brain."
"'Pick my brain'? If you're refering to your asking questions and my answering, then certainly."
"Are we alone?"
"Do you believe in God?"
"Of course."
"What is an alien?"
"Someone who doesn't live on Earth."
"Does God live on Earth?"
"You just answered your own question."
"How many worlds are there? How many stars are there?"
"More than I can count."
"Then the number of planets are more than you can count."
"I take it the numbers are close in comparison."
His eyes widened, "Very good. I see why I was sent."
"Was I making you wonder?"
"A little."

I began to grow into a woman and my mother's hold became tighter. I was told to ware blocky clothing to hide my emerging figure. As I pulled a t-shirt on, my companion shook His head.
"What a shame."
"What's a shame?"
"Such a beautiful body, and no one to look at it."
"You're somebody."
"Thank you, but I was meaning other people."
"I don't want people to think I'm bad."
"You know. A slut."
He got a little irritated, "What is wrong with embracing thine body?", He shot with an English accent, "Thou body is..."
"Whoa, whoa, what? English? You're English? Who are you? What team are you playing on? And why are you watching me dress?!"
"Stop panicking!", switching His accent back to American, "I am who I say I am! I feared you would do this, that's why spoke to you in your native accent."
"English? Seriously? Why English? Christ died long before English ever existed!"
"Will you please calm down? The English accent is much older than the American accent. That's how I used to speak it."
I thought for a moment and realized He had a point. I calmed myself then asked, "So why the switch? Did you forget?"
"In a way. I find you so beautiful, and I can't stand how you're kept in a closet."
"Can you do anything to help me out of that closet?"
He looked above Him, then behind Him, "I'll see what I can do."

Amber Poling, Part Three: Vibrations

As time passed He taught me things like: quit mindlessly reading the Bible, read with purpose ONLY. an independence from church, you can learn a lot more with the Holy Spirit. sexual orientation doesn't matter, there are NO laws against love. there's a difference between love and sex, sex is an act where love is a complex emotion. masturbation is fine, there's nothing wrong with gratifying one's self. UFOs are, by large, God's Army. women are equal to men, your body is just a suit you wear.

He developed my logical skills and before long people began calling me 'Spock'. This also seemed to enable me to teach myself. I reasoned that the Second Coming would be quiet.
"How did you discern that?"
"Twice it says 'thief'. A thief doesn't want you to know what they're doing, so they're quiet."
This tickled my Teacher. He seemed attracted to my mind and decided to challenge me. One night looking at the stars he said, "Can you see everything that's there?"
"Scientists say 'no'. That most of what's out there is 'dark matter', what do you say?"
"Do you know why the matter is dark?"
"Because we can't see it."
He let out a good hearty laugh.
"I walked into that one didn't I?!"
"You did! I couldn't resist."
He shook His head, "What I meant to say was, do you know why you can't see it?"
I thought for a while, "I'm not sure."
"It's vibrating at a different rate than your eyes are."
"Like infrared or ultraviolet?"
He stopped to think.
"Hmm... She's on the right path.", speaking to Himself, "Let us see if she can go the rest of the way."
He thought for a minute.
"Imagine a star that emitted ultraviolet light."
"Ok. Got it."
"Now imagine a planet orbiting that star."
"Still with you."
"Now imagine that planet vibrating at the same rate as the ultraviolet light."
I took a moment to take it in.
"So anything on that planet I wouldn't see, even if was standing in front of me."
"Or laying beside you."
I thought for a few more moments.
"So that's why I can't really see you? I'm like ice, where you're like steam?"
Shock and delight filled his eyes.
"You learned it. You actually learned it! Oh, you don't know how happy you just made me!"

After that, we became close. I began to learn about energy the body holds and how to channel it. After a lot of practice, I decided to surprise my Companion.
"Sit down with me."
"What are you doing?"
"I want to try something."
I channeled my energy to my hands. Then I focused on His vibrations and tried to get my hands to vibrate similarly. My Companion watched on curiously. When I thought I had it as close as I could get, I tried to touch Him. I reached for His knee, and He jerked!
"Do that again."
I tried to rub His knee, "What does it feel like?"
"Like a soft breeze caressing my knee. What do you feel?"
"Energy. Like static with form. It's kind of hard to explain."
"Well, let's try this."
He caressed my cheek with His hand.
"How does that feel?"
"Like being caressed by the wind."
"Amber, how did you learn to do this?"
"Different vibrations."
He thought for a few minutes while caressing my hand.
"You figured out how to alter your energy just enough... Just so you can touch me?"
"It's hard to live with someone and love someone and can't ever touch them."
I saw waves of emotion roll behind His eyes. He stared at the floor quietly, His hand still on mine. Then He excused Himself for the night.

Amber Poling, Part Four: Touching a Spirit

The next morning I was unsure about the previous night's events. Had I chased Him off? Why did He leave? What did I do wrong? By this time He had been with me for a little over five years. I knew I couldn't hug Him; His body was like air. A touch was the closest thing to a hug I could give. I was confused to say the least. Finally, when it was almost noon, He appeared. We stared at one another for what felt like eternity. I couldn't take it.
"I'm sorry."
"I touched you, and that had a bigger effect than I thought it would."
"I touched you back."
"I know but... it bothered you. For that I'm sorry. I can't hug you, so I wanted to touch you."
"I never let anyone do that."
"So why did you let me?"
He looked out distantly at the horizon, deep in thought. When He did come around to speaking, His speech was slow and deliberate.
"When I first met you, you were a bright, but scared, girl with little direction. Now you're an intelligent, confident, and beautiful young woman, and I know I played a large roll in that. Your kindness, forgiveness, and faith I've seen first hand, but your love speaks to me. It's rare. With your touch I felt it in a way hadn't before. I made an emotional decision."
"And that's why you left."
Many things went through my mind. I needed to think.
"I'm going to take a walk."
He started toward the door.
He watched me hike up the mountain from the porch.
When I reached the top, I sat down on a wooden fence to ponder.
'He felt it? What does that mean? ... He felt what I was feeling. Hmm... Can He feel other things? To me a touch is a touch, but to Him it's obviously a lot more..
Energy... thought is energy... He is energy... I use energy to touch Him... He feels what I feel... hmm... energy transfer... information transfer... He doesn't want me to know something... His name... details of His future mission... Can I control it? It wasn't like an instant download. Wait... He sat there and caressed my hand... 'Your love speaks to me.'... Wait a minute... He was reading me!... I read humans through the eyes. His eyes are faint... the touch. Hmm... He won't let me touch Him again, I know it.'
Looking down, I saw Him still on the porch, looking up from time to time.
'I think I got a plan.'

After I returned I would not discuss my thoughts. My Companion gently poked around and tried to get close to me, but I wouldn't let Him. The day passed without my thoughts getting out, I hoped. I went to bed, but didn't go to sleep. After a couple of hours He appeared. The high frequency of His body put gentle pressure on my eardrums. When the pressure increased I knew He was walking toward me. He knelt down by the bed and watched me. I made sure to breathe heavy like I do when asleep. Then He touched my hand. He let out a gasp and looked up, strait into my eyes. Quickly, I peered into His spirit and let Him know I wanted His name. Before He could think it, I moved my hand and closed my eyes. The whole thing took but a second or two.

I opened my eyes and found Him, eyes wide open, staring at me. With a full English accent He said, "I don't know if I should be angry with you or applaud your resourcefulness! Why would you do that?! Why did you remove your hand and close your eyes?"
"I didn't want you to fear touching me. I want to know your name, but it isn't time yet. I'd rather be dying of curiosity than jeopardize anything. I knew you wouldn't take my word on it, so I decided to show you."
"Do you know what you could have... No. No you don't. I haven't taught you that. I taught you about vibrations, but I failed in teaching you what they can do. I never dreamed you would teach yourself, let alone... this. How did you know you could read me?"
"Energy transfer. You read me last night. You said you 'felt' my love and that it 'spoke' to you."
"Those are common figures of speech."
"Not the way you said it."
"I can't believe this."
"I stopped reading you to show you I wouldn't abuse the privilege, but I'm not going to touch you anymore. There's obviously more to it than I originally thought."
He looked almost disappointed. He sat in silence on the floor, clearly in deep thought. Without looking up He said, "I want to feel your love."
"And I want to share my love. You're a beautiful person, and you have a mind I can get lost in."
"And you have a mind that keeps suprising me!", He chuckled.
"It's getting late."
"You're probably getting quite tired aren't you?"
I nodded.
"Alright, we'll speak tomorrow.", He whispered.
"Goodnight my dear."
"Goodnight darling."

Over the next six months I never attempted to touch Him, but let Him touch me. I let Him call the shots. At first they were brief moments spaced far apart, but as time passed He held the touch longer and they became more frequent. I soon realized an energy was building up in my body. 'Carpet sparks' became more frequent, my back pain eased, and my touch was soon able to ease pain in others.

Once properly 'energized' I was able to touch Him, but I never attempted to gather any information. Feeling His emotion was as far as I went. I respected His privacy and He respected mine. His touch felt different too. Instead of 'static', it was like holding two magnets repelling one another. The added resistance made Him feel more 'real'.

A common feature to our daily life was music. I would sit and sing while my Companion gladly listened. One day as He watched me move to a song He said, "Dance for me."
"I don't know how."
"Rubbish. I'm watching you do it in a chair. Do it standing up."
I stood up, let the music move me, and before I knew it I was dancing!
"Ahh! That's it! Shake it a little more!"
I did, laughed, and felt very happy. Then the music changed to a slower tempo. He approached me.
"May I have this dance?", He said with a bow.
"You may."
"This is how I used to dance."
He led me into a waltz type of dance. After a few steps He whispered, "Put on a dress. I want this right."
The dress was floor length; the blue skirt flowing as I walked.
"Mmm... beautiful."
He spun me around. Then the music changed to a faster tempo.
"No. No. That's not right." He changed the channel.
"You can do that?"
"Oh, there is a lot of things I can do! Come here. I'll show you one of them."
He, again, led me into a waltz. Having His body so close to mine made my spirit feel alive! My lower back pain vanished, my asthma disappeared, and my skin vibrated from head to toe. He emitted a warmth that was nothing but love and happiness. As we danced around the living room, I felt like a princess. But it was short lived. My grandmother knocked on the door. After getting zapped by the knob a few times, I finally got the door open.
"Who were you dancing with? I saw you through the window and thought you had a man in here. I was going to say 'hi'."
Looking over my shoulder, I seen my Companion shaking His head 'no'.
"Just dancing for God."
"Oh darn. I thought you landed yourself a man."
"Not exactly."
"Oh. Well, there's time. You're still young. But, let me know when you find one. Ok?"
"Alright then. Talk at ya later!"
Once the door was shut He began laughing.
"She REALLY wants to see you married!"
"I know! I'm only 19. What does she want from me?"
"For you to be happy."

Amber Poling, Part Five: The Departure

By age 20 my Companion had become more than just a teacher. His intelligence, humor, love, and intensity were a part of my normal life. He was the only person I could talk to. By now I seemed to be too much for the average person to handle. Others described me as 'too logical' or 'intense'. My mother would tell people, "You need a Ph.D. just to talk her! I don't know where she gets it. She doesn't act like me or her father!"
Constantly holding back was tiring.
"Now I know how you must feel when you talk to humans."
"Yes. I can't even hold a logical conversation about prophecy without losing the person two minutes in."
"They don't understand."
"Despite the fact I can tell them their own thoughts or take their pain away simply by touching them, my own family thinks I'm crazy. Now, what type reasoning does one have to possess... What?"
He was looking at me smiling.
"This ain't funny!"
"Who was laughing? I was just watching you realize the insanity of it all. Oh, you should see your face."
"I designed a water pump and they're confused as to why I want to test it!"
"I know, I know. Be patient. That's what I've been doing."
"Makes a person understand the wrath of God."
He laughed.
"Oh, Amber. You've only just begun!"
"I'm sorry, but I really hate stupidity."
"No, no, you're fine.", He chuckled. "I love seeing your passion."

After my grandfather's death, I took a job and moved away from the mountain. After the holidays, He approached me. He looked troubled.
"Yes... What's wrong?"
"Amber, the time has come for us to part."
I lay my journal to the side.
"Say that again."
"I must leave."
"Why?! It's not because of my 21st birthday (January 15, 2011) is it? You were only going stay until I was of age?"
"What? No! Oh Amber, no, don't think that. It has nothing to do with that."
He knelt down in front of me, laying His hands on mine.
"This date was set a long, long time ago. I must go to do something very important."
I began to cry.
"Oh, please don't do that! You'll make this harder than it already is. You must be strong; I know you can do this."
"I'm never going to see you again?"
"You'll have to look for me, but you will see me again. I'll be like you."
"Be like me?"
"How will I know it's you? You'll look different."
"My teachings. I'm going to teach a group of people the same things I taught you. When you find them, you'll find me. Then you'll know my name."
I couldn't hold the tears back anymore. His eyes teared up.
He embraced me.
"You're not the reason I'm leaving.", He whispered. "You're the reason it is hard to leave." He gently kissed my neck. "I love you, darling."
"I love you too."
He released the embrace and ran His hands down my arms. He paused when our hands touched. He squeezed my hands one last time, then pulled away.
"We will embrace again. Look for me. Alright?"
"I will."
He took a couple of deep breaths and gathered Himself. A portal opened up. He looked at me one more time.
"Search for me."
He then turned and walked through the portal. He was gone.

In total, we spent 7 bittersweet years together. The man I got to know was a wonderfully complex individual. He had strong emotions but knew how to control them. Despite being... I'll call it playful, He was always a gentleman. A very patient man. Love was the most important thing to Him.

I cried myself to sleep that night, and to this day I miss Him terribly. The energy I had has dissipated. The healing abilities are faint. I miss the love He brought into my life. I hope He knows when He left me He took a piece of me with Him. I still love Him. There's no other like Him. He's one of a kind.

Amber Poling, Part Six: The Return

My family told me I would never find my Companion.
"He was in your head!", they would say, "You can't find someone who isn't real! You need to start living in the real world."

In May 2011 a message was given to my aunt by a spirit. I was given notice that someone I needed to meet would be at my family's reunion. At the same time a man was given the same notice. In August we met, at the reunion. The man was told he could help me, then felt empowered to do so. In three weeks he fell madly in love with me.
"I don't know what's going on.", he said, "Did you cast a spell on me? I've always been able to walk away. Not with you. Something inside won't let me. I've only been scared of one thing in my life."
"What's that?"
"You. I want to run for the hills, but I can't. I want you. I need you. I've gotta have you."
We married September 20, 2011. On our wedding night a spirit came to my husband.
"Wake up!"
"Wake up!"
"What do you want? I met her. That's what you wanted, right?"
"Be quiet and listen. You have taken on a task. You will teach her what she has left to learn about being a woman. You will also be her protector in the years to come."
"I said I married her for life! I already said I would protect her too!"
"Give me your word you will do these things."
"I give you my word!"
The spirit left.
My husband woke me up in a panic and told me what happened.
"Who are you?", he asked.
I thought for a moment.
"God's daughter."
"There's more to it than that. There's gotta be. This doesn't just happen. So I'll ask you again, who are you?"
"I have an idea, but I'm not going to say right now. If I'm right though, you'll find it in the Bible."
"Your making more questions instead of answers."
"Goodnight my dear."
"Goodnight! After that!"
"They won't hurt you. You're with me. You're my protector. They'll let you do your job."
"THEY! Who's 'they'? My life was normal before I met you!"
"Goodnight my dear. You'll be fine."

I tried to teach my husband the things my Companion had taught me. I quickly discovered though, he had adult ADHD and was unable to learn the information. I went silent and didn't speak of my Companion.

Five years past. I searched for my Companion quietly, but to no avail. One day my husband started asking questions about the Second Coming.
"You really WANT to know?"
I realized in that moment I was echoing the words spoken by my Companion 13 years prior. However, I had to answer questions time and again because he couldn't retain his train of thought for long.

He started finding 'messiahs' online. One by one, he would find them, then reject them, based on the answers I gave him.

Six months passed, and he was still asking and searching. One night he began to ask an unusual amount of questions.
"Why are you inquiring so much?", I asked.
"I'm not ready to show you yet. I'm still checking him out."
A couple of hours passed.
"Amber, you need to see this."

(Sceptics have tried to debunk this, but with 6 different cameras and witnesses from many different angles, plus the government weather cam recorded the event.)

He showed me a YouTube channel named 'Christ Has Returned'. Skeptical, I watched a video showing a ball of light hovering over the temple mount in Jerusalem. With a quick flash, the ball shot skyward. The event was reminiscent of lightning. The ball of light wasn't what intrigued me though, but the date.
'January 28, 2011', I thought, 'Only a short time after He left.'

My husband quickly forgot his discovery, but I didn't. On my own, I watched another video. This one was dated to May 2011 and featured a man who called himself "Lord Rayel".
I sat quietly listening to the English accent the man had.
'Could it be?', I thought.

(Lord RayEl's speech given to the World on 21st May 2011)

The contents of his speech was what I expected my Companion would say, so I investigated further. After a little searching, I found Sanctuary Interfaith and clicked on 'Teachings of the Rayelites'.

'Now we'll see who you really are 'Lord Rayel'.'
Slowly reading through each section, I combed through each teaching looking for anything out of place. When I got to the end of the page, I took a pause.
'Everything's spot on... dear God... it's Him.'
I quickly went back to the video. Only a photo of Him was shown. Covering the lower half of His face with my fingers, I stared at only His eyes. That same soft spoken, yet stern, look was there. After listening to all the other videos, I reflected. The way He spoke, the way He stops Himself when He begins to get irritated, and the way He pauses when He's thinking of how best to put something were all spot on.
"I found you.", I softly cried, "At last, I finally found you."
I touched His face on the computer screen.
"Rayel. That's what you couldn't tell me. Your name. Rayel. Beautiful name for a beautiful spirit."
'I'm going to teach a group of people the same things I taught you. When you find them you'll find me. Then you'll know my name.', I recalled.
I eventually found The International Congregation of Lord Rayel on vk, and quickly warmed up to the clergy.
'I wonder if they'll believe me. They follow Rayel. Probably. If only I could connect with Him. Wait... I know His name now! What have I been waiting for!'
I 'tuned in' to the old frequency I remembered.
"RayEl?... RayEl?"
"Can you hear me?"
"Yes. Who are you? How did you know you can communicate like this?"
"I'm the one you left behind to come to Earth."
"You sound familiar. I know you... I know you."
"Amber... before I came... Amber! Oh, I'm sorry it took a minute..."
"It's ok. You've been through a lot since we last spoke."
"I.. I have, yes. Are you alright?"
"I'm ok."
"Just ok?"
"I'm not going to burden you with my problems. I'll be alright."
"If you don't tell me, I'll find out myself."
"You got enough on your plate. How's Earth been treating you?"
"... Depends. Are you referring to my followers or the rest of the planet?"
"Enough said. Are you safe?"
"The people around me are good. They do their part to keep me safe... Why are you worrying about me? ... I have to go. We will talk again very soon."
The frequency went silent.
Someone must have stepped into the room!, I thought.

Amber Poling, Part Seven: The New Priesthood

Shortly after I gave the following message to the Prime Cleric;

Richard, I recently baptized myself to Lord RayEl, but have been receiving dreams, among other things, from my Father since I was 3 years old. Last night I received a dream and it was for you.

I saw you making lots of food for a large crowd. You were speaking to a few, but the vast majority people were behind you. Though you worked hard, you never saw a single person that stood in the background.
As you handed me a small plate, you said: "You're going to do your part to help." I looked up at the crowd and felt overwhelmed. You said "I know, its a lot. But just pick a spot and start, that's what I did." You continued working, but you still didn't see the people behind you. The crowd numbered into the hundreds.
I look at my Father and said, "What do I do?"
He said "Tell him. He needs to know. He has felt overwhelmed like you just did. He needs to know how many lives he has touched because he doesn't know. You're the one I tell these secrets to. It's up to you to tell him."
I said, "How?"
He said, "You know how."
Then I saw a banner with "VK" embroidered on it, then I woke up.

Our Heavenly Father wants to make sure you know just how big of an impact you've made in this end time. Even though you may NEVER hear from the people you've impacted, you have changed lives, yes even saved lives. He knows and wants you to not to get discouraged. He tells me He asked many people, but you were the one and only that answered the call. He tells me,

"Feel good about your work, you deserve it. You have done everything I've asked of you. That's why I planned your time of rest. I knew you would need it. Don't let ANYTHING steal it away from you. I love you and don't ever feel alone. I am with you. I will never leave you. Thank you for answering the call. You don't know how much that means to me.
Thank you. Love You Richard."

This is what YHWH wanted to be said to you. He told me since He knows I'll tell you, that is part of my purpose. I've answered the call like you. God bless, in RayEl's name, Amen.

After that, I was offered a place in the priesthood. I was about to take it when Rayel stopped me.
"No. Don't do it."
"You're saying 'no'? This is out of character for you. What's wrong?"
"The clergy is being tested. It's not my idea, but that's what's happening. If you take a place in the priesthood now you'll be tested as well. I've been inquiring about you. I think you've been through enough."
"I'll wait then."
"Thank you. Now you can't tell the clergy. That's my job. Ok?"
"Ok. What about someone that's not clergy?"
"I have one friend that's not clergy. I only know the username, Holylightanglos Del."
He thought for a moment.
"Yes. You can tell him. Only him. If you wish."

Three months passed and I did tell my friend about the clergy's testing. About a month later a video was posted by His Imperial Regent. In it, Rayel explained about the testing of the clergy.

Since writing down my experiences, the priesthood has been offered again.
"Can I join now? Is it safe?"
"You may, my darling. The lion's share of it is over. Now you will be safe."

What's beyond this? It's unwritten. But I've been looking forward to 2018 for a long time.


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