Be Strong and Courageous– Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #4 by @allforthegood


Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged.

I remember a wise, older friend, who had already been through the rigors of motherhood, share with me that this passage was a favorite of hers. At the time I didn’t understand why that would be, as I held my first sweet 3 month old baby. But now, 4 children and 8 years later, I do.

There are many times I have thrown my hands in the air and said, "I don’t know what to do God. I can’t do it!" And then, there is that promise: “For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” I am so thankful for that. And, for all those who have gone before and through their various situations, have proven God to be faithful to His word.

How I Came Up With the Design

Turbulant, swirling, relentless water seemed a perfect summation of the emotions one can feel when they come to the end of themselves. Sometimes you just can’t try hard enough or be enough or know enough to fix something. Just like sometimes you can paddle and paddle and swim and swim and the crashing waves never let you reach the shore. But in the center, I drew a circle, which to me symbolized a peace that transcends understanding. The bold, strong, capital letters spell out the promise which affords the peace.

Other Inspirational Art in my Series

Think about such things – Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #1
Lessons for Life– Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #2
Blessed is the Man– Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #3


Do you like posting encouraging quotes and verses in your home? If you have a favorite quote or verse, I’d be happy to try to design it for you. Just post it in the replies below. To see more of my inspirational art, click here.

Thanks for looking @allforthegoodAFTG-CLOSING.jpg

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