An Icon for Life... Billy Graham


Today's post is a sourced cummulative of writings and quotes from the great man of God who has been called "home".

Billy Graham (1918-2018).

I love the fact that...

Graham never built a megachurch, set up a relief agency, launched a political lobby or ran for office. Yet he redefined American Protestant life by popularizing Christianity's core message — Christ died for your sins — downplaying denominational details and proclaiming the joys found in faith. Source

Graham met, prayed with, comforted and joked with 12 U.S. presidents. He found a fine balance that allowed him to become America's pastor, Democrat or Republican. North or South. Source

Graham noted that many people tried to avoid this inescapable reality of Death by playing word games, by changing the title of a cemetery to a memorial park, for example. But he left them no loopholes. First, he said, “accept the fact that you will die.” Second, “make arrangements.” Third, “make provision for those you are leaving behind.” And finally, “make an appointment with God.” Source

Graham held more than 400 crusades in 185 countries and territories across six continents — reaching 215 million people, according to the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.Source

Graham was consistently listed on Gallup's poll of the "10 Most Admired Men in the World." Although he's never been No. 1, Graham has made the list 61 times since 1955. Source

Here are some of my favourite Billy Graham quotes...

"Are you frustrated, bewildered, dejected, breaking under the strains of life? "Then listen for a moment to me. Say yes to the savior tonight, and in a moment you will know such comfort as you have never known."

"We are a society poised on the brink of self-destruction. But what is the real cause? What is the problem? The problem is within ourselves."

"Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion - it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ."

"Most of my life has already been lived," I'll be glad when the moment comes when the Lord calls me to heaven. I get tired down here sometimes."

"Heaven doesn’t make this life less important; it makes it more important."

Watch this amazing video, part of "My Hope With Billy Graham" - an urgent message of Hope from Billy Graham, featuring Lacey Sturm and Lecrae.

It doesn't matter what your background, race, religion, culture, nationality... this message of Hope and Salvation is for ALL.

I was and am still a sinner.

I will never be able to find my way (or work my way to heaven).

There is only one way. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

May you find His Love for your life today... for eternity.

Thank you Mr. Graham!

~ a legacy of a life well lived, and a purpose fulfilled.

All quotes are Billy Graham's.

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