Daily Devotional | Worry And Obedience


It is hard not to worry about our basic needs when we are down to our last dollars. And we will tend to agree with this verse enthusiastically if we have lots of money in our bank accounts. But are we still enthusiastic if we have almost nothing left? I don't know about you, maybe you are spiritually strong and positive than I am, but I am not going to lie, my faith wavers big time.

Don't worry

As some of you might know I was very sick starting from November last year until I underwent a Cholecystectomy in January. My husband and I were struggling financially in 2017 (still struggling but not as bad) and suddenly I fell sick. Left with just one source of income, it was really tough. How could I not worry about what to eat and drink? I would probably worry less if it were just my husband and I but we have kids. How do I meet their needs if almost all our money goes to my treatments?

But thank God, my "training" as a Christian for over a decade helped me tremendously. I did not panic and to be honest I was quite calm throughout the ordeal. I had to. I had to make a decision to trust God all the time and believe that he is watching over me and he knows what he is doing. It was a test of faith. Was it easy? Absolutely not. But God provided. And one way He provided was through Steemit. The little earnings I earned on this platform paid for some of my treatment bills and more.

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else

But according to this verse, do not worry is just one part of the command. There is another part that people often overlooked - "seek the Kingdom of God above all else". Yup that part.

What does it mean? To me it means all these...

  1. Continue to read my Bible and pray
  2. Continue to obey God's word
  3. Continue to do my part to reach out to those who do not know God
  4. Continue to practice all the good things - offering help to those in need, seeing the good things in others despite their failings etc
  5. Continue to respect my husband and submit to him as God commanded
  6. Continue to love and discipline my children
  7. Continue to attend worship services and church meetings
  8. etc etc

Here's the thing - our obedience to God should not stop when life gets tough. God knows my struggles. God knows my pain. But He still requires me to OBEY and leads my life as a disciple of God.

And by God's grace "He will give me everything I need".

Note: This is my personal devotional and I don't intend to preach to anyone or tell people how to lead their life. I am just sharing what I learned from my daily Bible reading. That's all.

Thank you for visiting! What do you think of this devo? Please leave your comments below.

My previous posts:

Doodle Art | Flower Doodle Tutorial

Daily Devotional | Planting Seeds of Kindness

Portrait Of A Steemian | @angiechin28 Of Team Malaysia Babes

Team Malaysia Babes First Ever Gathering

MyJuniors | Saturday Is Coloring Day

Art Explosion Week 29 | Awakening

Daily Devotional | Why Job Remained Silent?

I am selling some of my paintings over on Artfinder. Shipping is FREE worldwide. You can check them out here: ARTFINDER.

My gifts & merchandise available at REDBUBBLE (international), Printcious & CreativeUnited (Malaysia).

Thank you!


My avatar was illustrated by @pinstory

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