Love & Marriage 5

I am looking at the stages of a marriage. The first stage was passion and romance. The second stage was realization whereby you come to see the person who you had married for who he/she really is. After this stage when you had accepted your spouse there might be calmer waters for some time.


Stage 3 Rebellion
In stage 3 conflict arises again as spouses self-interest overtakes the interest of the marriage. Each one is busy pursuing their own career. He wants to go out with the boys, she wants him to stay at home with her. He complains she is spending too much, she says he is stingy. This stage is inevitable, even for couples who successfully came through the realization phase and did start to lay a good foundation for a happy marriage. In this rebellious stage lot of marriages run into serious trouble. From the beginning of a marriage, you must learn communication and conflict resolution skills. Your love for each other and this skills are very important to keep your marriage boat afloat.


In my researching of this stages of marriage, I started to think it sounds like a lot of misery and unhappiness. I just want to mention that although these stages do come, that couples can still be happy. I think the number one problem is that couples do not prepare for times of conflict in their marriage.

The other thing is, if couples are Christians they will be less inclined to have this serious differences. As Christians don't just live for themselves, they live for God and each other. Most churches know that marriages run into trouble and have regular marriage enrichment courses that help couples deal with differences in married life. That said, because of the fallen state of man, Christian marriages also lots of times ends up in divorce.


if you missed the previous posts and would like to read it follow the links:


I will deal with conflict, specific conflict resolution, and good communication in posts to come. I am an advocate for happy marriages with happy children growing up to mature people, as this is the building blocks for a balanced and healthy society.

Thank you for reading! Watch this space for more Love & Marriage posts.
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