Sunday thoughts on a Saturday: Understanding Deception

Worlds best con artist said during an interview everyone will be willing to give you whatever they are hungry for, by Pamela Meyer. She has been hosted on Tedtalk about recognizing lies I have included the link in case you were a fan of the show Lie to Me you will enjoy listening.

Desire is hungry for what we want.

Deception is a belief in the lie we tell ourselves about ourselves..

Here is the challenge. Answer the following as honestly as you can. How do you supply your needs? Is it enough, so that way you can walk this world without falling into temptation of desire? Do you trust the Lord to supply your NEEDS? He can make the way for you to walk this world without falling in temptation of desire.

Deception the belief in the lie we tell ourselves about ourselves.

Do you allow lies to build your character? Arguable, lying is a bridge to get you from who you are to who you want to be. Fake it until you make it, they say. Fake it until you become it, they teach. Living by the word of God is a bridge that can guide you as well. That is of course, if you know your identity. Do you know your identity. Who are you?

Allow me to share a story...
A story of a plan man. Men historically always had an identity. They were carpenters, hunters, leaders, or shepherds. They were all somebodies expect except for Jacob, he was a plain man. He believed the lies that he was plain, with plain talents, and plain gifts. He identified with plain and believed it to be who he was. Maybe influenced by his mother. Maybe influenced by the desire to be the eldest. Funny, how our minds make us believe more lies about ourselves then the truth we practice daily.

Deception the belief in the lie we tell ourselves about ourselves.

We all have gifts and talents and once you believe you are worthless, you my friend have been deceived. Can you catch the lie of deception in your own life?

Inspired by the story found in Genesis 27:19 & 25-27


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