Humble Prayer Request – God will make a way

Hi everyone, as I came about a post that speak about prayer request offering in the Christian community in Steemit, I was actually hesitant on submitting my prayer request as there are just so many things to pray about, only God knows how much it weighs in my heart.

As I weighed and carefully thought what to share here that would be staying in the blockchain FOREVER, I have decided to pick the most critical (and I really am struggling) item to be prayed for and praying together with me.

I am an 11 year old born-again Christian, who I am so thankful to God, still have both my parents alive.

My dad used to go to church, but he was unable to reconcile the idea that Jesus has done everything for him at the finished work (from Calvary to Resurrection) and decided to use his own might to do what he can (unconsciously still) with the old testament laws as guidance. He believed he did not need Jesus and to him, Jesus was a good teacher and a great prophet; nothing more.

My mom used to go to the Catholic school but she did not finish her studies there due to poverty in her family. And to her, she was there because the Catholic church was kind to orphans and with her absentee father experience, she never could relate God as a loving Heavenly Father.

In fact, both my parents have the same problem as my dad lost his father at the age of 5, and my grandmother stayed widowed and brought my dad and my uncles and aunt up until she passed away with womb cancer when I was only 3 years old.

My mom accepted Jesus in the year 2009 when she was in despair and survived from near death experience back in 2006 because of Steven Johnson Syndrome, a medical allergy that only 20% victims on this allergic attack could survive. God obviously restored her, but because of my dad, she did not attend church; and to her idea of God is still distance and far, although lately due to circumstances and prayers with me she starts to believe Jesus loves her.

In 2015 my dad started falling down easily when he walks on the road and the doctors diagnosed him with “Foot Drop Syndrome”, a nerve degenerating disease, where his brain can’t really send signals well to his feet. He already lost both his thumbs’ mobility and right now, the neurologist said that there is no cure but to live happily and gracefully until his last days on earth.

My mom has eye cataract problem on both her eyes, which is supposed to be a simple procedure when it is “ripe”, but the ophthalmologist has detected that she has weak corneas, which seems to be a DNA defect in her family line, and is too risky to proceed with the procedure unless we get to find a donor for cornea replacement.

With both my parents frail in grace day by day, I need to find a way to move them to stay with me in the capital city of Kuala Lumpur; but because of the inflation and property rent is getting higher, my wages will not be able to sustain them. So right now, they still stay in my hometown learning to slow down in life with their ageing bodies but this cannot continue.

I trust God that He is my Provider, my Protector, my Healer and my Guide for me and my family; but there are times in the dark there are still some doubts lingering.

So if I can, humbly ask for prayers, that God will restore my parents’ health and sustain them to show them that He is the Almighty and they can trust Him, just like He has reduced the growth in my body before; and God will strengthen me to trust Him for the change of lifestyle to accommodate my parents into my life again after leaving home for years with the right doors of provision; from an affordable place to rent (or own) and also if I need a better wage, I am ready to move on to a new job He provides for me.

I have a partner I love very much, but due to circumstances we are currently physically separated far from each other and we are not able to resolve this together (since we are not married yet) easily. I know I cannot rely on him alone so I know I need to rely on God solely that He will pull me, my family and our relationship through.

So here is my most critical prayer at this point of time, and I really am in a struggle to fully trust in my Heavenly Father although I know He already said it in the Bible, “Do not be afraid, for I am with you.” I really need the guidance and strength to know my next step because I know from my experience, trying to solve this on my own will not work.

Just like the most recent post sharing I came across by @rynow about Proverbs 21:30-31

I also want to thank God that after I prayed for direction I have come across Steemit, and I hope, maybe, this might be one of the opportunities to reignite my passion to blog again and a way to earn something that can help my finances at the end of the year.

Thank you so much for your patience reading such a long post; and thank you in advance for praying for, and alongside with me.

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