My 84 Year Old Mother Talking about Important Things to Pray About.


As some of you know, I had the privilege of spending last week with my 84-year-old-mother who flew out to visit with me here in Florida. This is likely our last visit here in FL as her health is making it difficult to travel.

The night before she and my sister-in-law flew back home, we read the Bible together and prayed. While we were praying I asked if anyone wanted to add anything, and my mom said, "pray for the homeless people." So we prayed for all of the homeless people. Right when I was ready to say "Amen," She said, "pray for all of the people who are hungry." So we prayed that God would make a way so that nobody would be hungry. Right when I was about to say Amen, she said, "Pray for people who are suffering in other countries." So we prayed for people who are suffering persecution, hunger, and harsh living conditions.

As she continued to make prayer requests, I realized that she took our prayers outside of our own personal concerns and her prayers reached out to people that she didn't even know, but she knew that they needed prayer, and she knew that we should pray for everyone who is suffering in the world. She reminded me that we need to pray for the nation, and the hungry, and for the lost. God loves them all, and just because we can't see them, or they don't affect our lives we need to pray heartfelt prayers for them.

I wished that I had my video camera rolling as we prayed. But I got it out as soon as we finished as I was just amazed at what she had just shown me by her prayer requests. I heard Jesus in all of it.

None of her requests were for herself, but they were all for others.

I wanted to post this sooner, but something went wrong with my video camera and the video was lost. I had no idea that my husband was recording it as well, so thanks to him for focusing on my mom and getting most of what we talked about.
Thank you, Brian.


My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease several years ago, and we pray regularly that God will keep her in a sound mind. I believe He's doing just that.

This is a short video, but worth the watch.

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