Jesus reigns on November 30, 2017 (philippines)

The Battlecry

Jesus Reigns: A Day of Celebration is an annual festival held to honor Jesus of Nazareth and to proclaim that HE REIGNS over all nations. The celebration kicks-off with a grand parade of floats depicting the different attributes of God while the people are singing and dancing and making a joyful sound declaring that JESUS REIGNS!

The Experience

The celebration kicks-off with a grand parade of floats depicting the different attributes of God while the people are singing and dancing and making a joyful sound declaring that JESUS REIGNS! This is followed by a unified prayer for the different towns, provinces and the nation, as well as for the nations of the world and Israel.
Jesus reigns.jpg

The Impact

“God reigns above the nations; God sits on His holy throne.” Psalm 47: 8 (NLT)
“…and His Kingdom will never end.” Luke 1:33b (NLT)

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