God's Final Purpose
Isaiah prophesies of a time when God's rule will be established over all the earth (Micah 4:1-3). All evil, injustice and rebellion against God and His law will have been defeated, and an ideal way of life will prevail. All people will choose willingly to do what is right and to a right relationship with God and each other. All nation God and live in peace. This prophecy reflects God's final purpose for Israel and the human race. It is fulfilled through God's Son, Jesus Christ, who will bring complete justice and righteousness to the earth. Some believe that the peace described in this passage begins with Christ's coming to the earth and the spreading of His message to all nations. Others maintain that this is strictly a prophecy of future conditions during Christ's millennial (thousand-year) reign on earth at the end of history (Revelation 20). That certainly will be the total fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy here.
We Need to Learn God's Ways
The greatest desire of those who have a true relationship with God should be to know and to obey God's will-His laws, desires and purposes-as citizens of His kingdom. It is important that we who believe tell others the actual truths found in God's Word. This means our message must be based on the God-inspired Scriptures-His written Word-as revealed through Christ, the old testament prophets and the new testament apostles. All people-the righteous and the unrighteous-needs to hear God's uncompromised truth from people who are guided and empowered by the Holy Spirit and committed to following God's standards of right and wrong.
Thanks for reading.
God Bless You
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