Why Atheism? Very quick overview.

My response, in terms of atheism, got a bit wordy, so here's my rationale -- In answer to @deaconlee here, This is a very very brief overview. There's much more to it, but in a nutshell...

God of the Bible

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Please don't be sorry about my atheism. It's a condition I'm happy to inhabit right now. I didn't really give up on this god. It was never really a starter for me. I wasn't much of a believer and I still don't believe in anything. Beliefs tend to stop me from thinking. I don't like not thinking.

My mother was Christian, took us to Sunday School, church. I was forced to join The Brownies (a club for Christian kids) against my will. I was brainwashed and indoctrinated to a certain extent but the belief was never fully formed. I tried – really tried – because everyone else seemed to think it was the way and I was scared...

I was scared, as a kid, that I would go to hell for not believing it in my heart. I would be tortured for all eternity! Those years were confusing and frightening for me and I remember thinking that it was a bully tactic that god was using to make people love him. I don't like bullies.

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The bible never provided me any answers. I read lumps of it as a child (you know, the bits they encourage you to read), then completely as an adult. I also read lots of other books (not just about gods).

As a kid, I found many of the stories too incredible to be plausible. As an adult, I just shake my head at the audacity.

I still don't know for sure What are We, Where we came from, Why we are here, or What happens after we die. These questions are still very much up in the air. And I'm okay with that.

These are the speculations of primitive people doing their best to understand an unpredictable and strange world. I would wager that some of these biblical characters or authors (if based on real people) used their special relationship with an all-powerful (conveniently invisible) deity to improve conditions in their own mortal life.

The bible is a mish-mash of mythology, hypotheses, stories, philosophies. It's not fact.

I hope that helps clear up my thinking a little.

Best wishes

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