Hello family!

I love talking about the power of the mind and how it relates to God's Word.

Many people live a low life today because of the wrong self image about themselves and what they speak concerning themselves too and situations.

They accept negative opinions and thoughts about themselves because of the mistake they made that made them fail and also believing they are where they are because of their wrongs and because the situations are tough they tend to give up on themselves.

Now, note this, your heart is where life starts from.
So whatever you accept that's who you will become.

People are poor not because they don't have money to sustain themselves but they are poor because their minds accepted they are poor so they will keep facing poor situations and they will believe it is because they are poor that's why they are facing poor situations.

Whatever you think about yourself consistently that's what you are. So if you think situations are stronger than you, you will never come out of that hard situation because of your mind and wrong self image.

In other words, instead of giving in concerning your hard situations, come out of it by setting you mind on a positive lane. You can only be wealthy if you have wealthy mindset. Your mindset is what quicken you to actions either positive actions or negative actions.

Now you see the mind have a strong power to take us to life and death.

Be blessed today and don't give up on yourself and God.

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