If God is Good, Why is there So Much Pain in the World?

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."
- Paul the Apostle -

At times, life sucks.

We find ourselves filled with pain. We struggle. People we love hurt or betray us.

At times, life sucks.

At times, life sucks.
Photo courtesy of Adriano Gadini and http://pixabay.com

What's wrong with this picture?

Why does life hurt so bad? Why is there hunger and war and suffering?

If Jesus is Truth and Light, why doesn't he put an end to all of the pain?

Why is there pain in the world?

Why is there pain in the world?
Image courtesy of Dieter and http://pixabay.com

We are tempted to wonder about God.

If he really loves us, why is there so much pain in the world?

Why are we on an endless roller coaster, ups and downs. Wow, some of the lows are excruciatingly painful.

At times, others lacking faith throw the facts up in our face.

"Where is your God now? You say you believe in him. Why isn't he helping you?"

The Problem of Evil

The Problem of Evil
Photo courtesy of Español and http://pixabay.com

In philosophy, this is known as "The Problem of Evil."

If you want a more in-depth look at the philosophical / logical problem of evil, click the link above. However, my purpose in writing this today is to share with you my own, very personal, very individual reason for being at peace with this problem.

I personally suffer pain,

just as you do. I struggle, at times mightily. The worst experience of my life was watching a beloved grandson die.

As beautiful as the world and life can be, there are times when the pain is almost unbearable. I know I am not alone in this.

"For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies."
- Romans 8:22-23

We suffer great pain.

We suffer great pain.
Image courtesy of John Hain and http://pixabay.com

But then I think of how God might have handled things.

I believe that Jesus created the universe. But he might have then just stayed out of it. He could have watched evil take its course, and done nothing.

However, that is not what he did.

God did not exempt himself from the evil in the universe.

Let that thought sink in for a moment.

Had God created the world, put us in it, allowed the entrance of pain and evil, and then remained aloof from it all, I might feel differently.

But that is not what he did.

God did not exempt himself from evil.

God did not exempt himself from evil.
Image courtesy of Alexandra Haynak and http://pixabay.com

God has allowed himself to experience pain.

I don't pretend to fully understand the idea that God exists as three persons, unified in one. But I do understand family relationships. I know from experience the pain of seeing a beloved child suffer. God the Father did not remove himself from that pain.

I know from experience the pain of being abandoned. Jesus did not shun that pain.

Physical pain has been at least a small part of my human experience. I know that Jesus willingly suffered far more physical pain that I have ever had to face. He was executed by means of excruciating torture on a Roman cross.

He could have escaped that torture.

History tells us that he did not.

God subjected himself to unimaginable suffering.

God subjected himself to unimaginable suffering.
Image courtesy of Raheel Shakeel and http://pixabay.com

If God had avoided all pain himself, I might still wonder.

But I find and take great comfort in knowing that God subjected himself and his beloved son to unimaginable pain and suffering, for my sake and yours. I console myself with this logical conclusion:

Had there been a better path to Glory, surely the all-wise Creator, Jesus/God would have trod that path.

Jesus chose the painful road to Calvary.

This incredible fact reassures me that there must be great purpose and good even in the relatively small amount of pain I am called on to suffer.

And so, I wait — impatiently at times, but I wait — for his return. He will ultimately set everything right.


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