Bible, Alleged Contradictions and The Law of Non-Contradiction

Bible is filled with contradictions!

If I had a dollar every time I was told by an unbeliever that the Bible is full of contradictions, I would be a millionaire by now! It never ceases to amaze me how many people still don't fully understand the law of non-contradiction. Two opposite statements can indeed seem contradictory but just because they seem contradictory, it doesn't mean the author or speaker contradicts with himself/herself.

Let me give you guys an example

For example, if I said 1 and 1 equals 2 in one place and in another place said that 1 and 1 equals 1, even though my statements are opposing each other and seem contradictory, but they're not because once I meant 1 plus 1 and the other time I meant 1 time 1. But of course, for someone who only considers my opposing statements without examining the context in which they were made, they can only wonder that I must be a walking contradiction!

What is the law of non-contradiction?

The law of non-contradiction states that two opposing statements cannot be true at the same time and in the same sense. Most people forget the second part and claim to have found a contradiction as soon as they run into two opposing statements. This only shows how weak and horrible their reading skills are, but there's more to it.

What's the catch?

The catch is that there's more to it than simply having weak and horrible reading skills. What is it? It is the very spiritual battle that the Bible talks about. The issue runs deep into the soul and it's not just at the surface. Discerning the truth of the spiritual matters is what divides humanity because it requires a sixth sense which I'd like to refer to as faith. I define this sixth sense or faith as trusting God with all my heart, and mind rather than leaning on my own understanding and believing that God will straighten my path. It is only then that the veils fall off our eyes and we can easily see the truth.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)


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