Christmassy Fruity Bliss Balls

With leaving the Teachers Gifts to the last Morning of school, I wanted something quick, Christmassy and a bit healthy also and not really wanting to be a slave to the oven in this heat.

I had been looking for some inspiration, from Steemit (woman-onthe-wing), and a few blogs on the internet, and I had watched a few dessert t.v shows last weekend (Cupcake Wars, Zumbo’s just desserts) that I hadn’t seen before, so drawing from these inspirations I wanted to do a nice, quick n easy version of a Christmas Mince Pie in a bliss ball form that had the spicy flavors.

So going all mad food scientist on the last day of school it had to work, as I didn’t really have time to run around trying to think of gifts for three teachers, last time I tried to do Bliss Balls in the morning of a school function two batches went in the rubbish and had to grab something packaged.

3/4 Cup of Dates
2-3 Figs (depending on size – I measured out the dates and left them in the cup then put the figs on top to measure out a total of 1 cup)
1 Cup of Premium Fruit Mix (that’s all the bulk bin section had)
5 Tbsp Orange Juice (I squeezed straight from an orange)
1/2 Cup of Rolled Oats
1 1/4 tsp of Grounded Cloves
1 1/4 tsp of Cinnamon
1 1/4 tsp of Grounded Nutmeg
1/4 Cup of Cocoa (I used Organic Dutch Cocoa Powder)
1/2 Cup of Shredded Coconut plus extra for rolling the Bliss Balls in


Measure out the Dates, then add the Figs on top (depending on the size of the
Figs 2 -3 making a total measurement to 1 cup.

Put the Dates and the Figs into a blender.

Squeeze the Orange Juice and add to the blender (you can add now or when you have added the other ingredients).

Add the Rolled Oats, Fruit Mix, Spices (Cloves, Cinnamon, Nutmeg), Cocoa Powder, Shredded Coconut to the Blender and blend together till it forms together. (takes about a minute)

It will gather in a ball or to one side when done in the blender.

Grab a little (about 1tsp to 1 Tbsp - depending on what size you would like) roll into balls with the palm of your hands, then roll in the extra coconut (which can be put in a small bowl for rolling the coconut on them.)

I made them twice and each time they took about 20 mins to make as I was doing other things also.
Then I put them in the fridge for about 5 an a half hours (well the ones that I could hide away from all the testers as they had to try more to see if they liked them, then the ones that did like them some got shoved in the lunch boxes – one said that they were far too sweet and wouldn’t eat them, when i had just made them, but enjoyed them after they had been in the fridge, they have no added sugar so the sweetness comes from the fruit and the Cocoa – as I used the dutch Cocoa which is better for you than the processed Cocoa, next time I would like to try it with the Organic Cocao Powder to see the difference.)I found the flavors were nicer from leaving them in the fridge, not surer if you would have to leave them that long for the flavors to develop or they could be taken out earlier.
Keep them in the fridge, should keep 2-3 days in the fridge if they don’t get eaten before then.

Makes about 30+ using teaspoon size (sorry they got eaten too fast to count), and makes about 27 using a tablespoon size amount.


Thank You for stopping by, We hope you enjoy these Christmassy Fruity Bliss Balls as much as we do!

If you like our post, Follow us to see if we blow up any more appliances anytime soon from making Bliss Balls, (I hope not) or anything else we try to make,  any who, we try to blog about Budgeting, Shopping, Product Reviews, basically anything that pops up in a mama's life where anyone can save money or try avoid like the plague mistakes...(hey I make the mistakes so you don't have too - yeap I'll just keep telling myself that! My mistakes are for the greater good lol)
If you would like even more of us we hide out over here in our website also.

Cheers have a Wonderful Day/Night!

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