Since Christmas time is fast approaching, I can't help myself but reminisce my Christmas spent in the Philippines with family last year. It was the most special day for me because we were complete and reunited with my 2 daughters. It was also my son’s first Christmas in the Philippines, first time to see his grandparents, sisters and the rest of the family back in the Philippines. We traveled home from Abu Dhabi in the first week of December, spent some few days with my in-laws and went home to the province. We have only 1 month of vacation so we need to adjust the days so we can both spend it evenly with my in-laws and at our home.

The Christmas tree was full of gifts for the kids which we (including my parents) secretly bought days before the Christmas day. We usually don’t prepare food for this occasion. A simple menu will complete the day but the gift giving is what the kids are always waiting for.
These are my nephews On the center is my cousin’s son and on the right is my older sister’s. On the left side is my 7 months old son then. The 2 older boys were already excited to open their gifts but Santa Mamang and Santa Papang (my parents) were still busy so they took a pose first on the Christmas tree.
The gift giving started with Santa Mamang and Papang. Everyone got their gifts. Others got ang-pau with money inside, a red chinese envelope believed to be lucky. The little ones got toys. My nephews got the same color and designs of toy cars to avoid fighting if who got better toys, shoes, shirt. So if you are planning to give gifts with these 2, be sure that both got exactly the same. Hahahha!
First to get a Christmas gift cash was our Aunt. She is my mother's youngest sibling without family and stays at home to help my mother take care of their nephew and nieces (my cousins) who also stays at the house since they are orphan at the very young age. We consider our cousins our siblings too. On the right picture, this big man who can surely pass for a Santa Claus contest is my cousin. the eldest of my orphan cousins​.
    This is my youngest cousin. The 2 other ladies were nowhere to be found. Haha! And this cute little one got his gift too. Kuya Eneigo was also not in the picture but he got his ang-pau gift too.
And these are our beautiful girls, my husband's daughters, whom I considered mine. I will always love these beautiful ladies even if they didn't come from my womb because they came from my heart.

We go home for a vacation every 2 years and we see to it that we spend it during Christmas, new year and birthdays of our loved ones. I am praying that we can fully pay our loaned house in the bank and to be able to save enough money for our daughter’s tuition fee for college so we can settle for good in the Philippines together with our family - a complete one because celebrating Christmas day away from home is really different.
And I am seeing a glimpse of hope now because of #steemit. Little by little, we are able to pay the debt, and in no time, our loaned house and savings for tuition fees is our next project. My gratitude for the founder of steemit sir @ned, for @surpassinggoogle for your undying support, for @kennyroy, ken, I can’t thank you enough for inviting me here, for Ma’am @purpledaisy57 for inviting me to her team and believing in me, sir @iwrite and Ma’am @antonette, sis @diosarich for keeping me in the team and for all the #steemitdiversity members.

I am thinking of giving something to give back to people on Christmas Day.To those who helped me in our trying times and even to those who didn’t. Christmas Day is all about giving after all.

Thank you, ​Lord. You always keep your promises.

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