Up Early Today Not To Open Presents But To Load Up & Feed $3,000 Worth of Free Food On Christmas

Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Blessings!

I and the Eden Knights were up early this morning loading up a whole truck load worth of food. We have been working hard, or as I like to call it "productive play". 

I didn't power down or cash out any $teem nor make a post asking for people to help me fund or execute this mission. This generally speaking is what I do every week of the year. 

Here at The Garden of Eden we focus in productive play every day so that we can not only take care of our selfs and family, but to produce massive excess so that we can help and inspire others to a better life. 

I didn't buy any of my children presents for Christmas. I surely didn't buy a Christmas tree and support the senseless destruction of the environment.  We won't be going out to eat or taking a vacation. I do this not because I am to lazy or poor or stupid to provide. I do this because I can't live with my self supporting the global industrial complex and devastation of the earth. 

Instead I am using all my time and resources to feed, educate and inspire people today, tomorrow and this new year arriving. 

I have a lot to do and I want to spend some time with my family today so I am going to keep this post short. Hopefully I will also make another post tonight or tomorrow with some highlights of our Christmas in @gardenofeden

We will eat a mighty feast together prepared on earthen stoves and in earthen ovens with salvaged trash wood. Our entertainment will be being together in love and living a life we feel good about. 

Below is a post I made yesterday with a video I recorded that I feel is very important so I hope you watch that as well. 

∞§∞Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and more importantly Blessings∞§∞


Here is yesterdays post. 

If I am going to use my time and YOUR time to share this holiday message, I want to make sure it is of the utmost importance.

In this Vlog I share a bit about what the holiday season is like for me and more importantly what I hold most dear in life on a daily basis.

I wont waste the time to summarize this video as its all in the video. If you want to hear what I have to say I did my humble best to express the truth of my life and the values that I live by in my never ending quest for paradise on earth. 

I know that the holiday season is a festive and fun time for some and a depressing and lonely time for others. This is for all of you as I understand and have compassion for the spectrum of experience. That is why I asked for nothing this christmas but instead am giving away food, clothing and blankets. This is also what I do every day christmas or not. 

Anything is possible, TRULY. I wish you all the best in your experience and am here to help in any way that I can. 

Despite all the problems of the world, there are solutions and WE are the ones that hold our self back the most in life. My holiday wish is that you all realize your infinite potential and live the life of your dreams!

I am now doing 50/50 payout posts simply because the SBD is pumped high at the moment, but I will be converting it all to $teem and powering up of course!

I appreciate your support and am grateful to be here on Steemit. I welcome any feedback you have to offer as well as an upvote!


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