Gomeravibz suggests a Film to Watch ! " He,s Back " a film based on the German novel by Timur Vermes !


Hi there all you beautiful people of the Steemit Ocean. I have decided to share with you ponctually here on Steemit some of my favourite films or films whichI believe to be of real interest !

This particular film I saw quite by chance and it was a very surprising veiwing indeed. I have many friends of German nationality here on my island and so I get to share some of their things once and awhile. Clearly had I been alone and looking for a film to watch I most certainly would not have chosen this one as it is in German and I must say i find that somewhat off putting initially when chosing a film to watch. But this one i saw while accompanied by a german friend and it turned out to be a pretty awesome and mindblowing film indeed !

Imagine a situation where the now infamous in history Adolf Hitler is transported forward through time to present times by some mysterious force and finds himself alone in a car park far from the world he had known ! He stumbles around for awhile understandedly pretty lost and people seeing him believe him to be some strange street performer looking to make some quick money from tourists ! But he is soon befriended by a young man that decides to help this clearly lost and somewhat bewildered charachter taking him back to his home.

Hitler once there see,s the tragedy of his beloved nation now subject to enforced immigration and a culture that has been lost to mindless television programs which he soon realises has sent his beloved people to sleep !

He then sets about reviving his dream of a strong Germany by using the very thing which he sees as his countries intellectual destroyer, namely the television. He sees the great potential of this mindblowing, for him, technology and soon sets about the daunting task of reviving his people from the tetanised and mentally drugged mindset he sees them as having from their exposure to this poisoning and inane style of television entertainment ! People again do not believe him to be the true Hitler but more a provocateur that does have some very interesting things to say. His popularity and veiwing figures grow and trend and soon he is once more projected into public veiw, free once more to express his dream of a strong and Independednt Germany freed from the rule of those that would destroy his nation by stealth and the propogation of meaningless time wasting theories based on nothing !

This film i found extremely interesting and thought provoking and I think seeing the current situation in Europe as it is. The idea behind this film is pretty incredible and a must see. The film i have already said is in German, but with good subtitles which make it more than veiwable for english speakers ! It takes this charachter throughout Germany and who gets to meet real and authentic people who react to his words with rather surprising results !!


Enjoy and I will be very interested in the thoughts of those that would take the time to watch it and leave me a commnent at the bottom of this post !!

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