Tell us a story of your city! “A City a story” photo weekly contest #3 STREET + Winners of #2!

“A City a Story” photo contest!


What is “A City A Story”? 什麼是 “A City A Story”?

If you have read my blog before, you know that I like to share the story of my home town HK with photos. I like to share the community, history, culture and art of my home town to let you know more about my home. It gives me the inspiration to hold the contest. I wish you may also share the stories of your city.

如果你有留意我的文章,你都知道我很喜歡利用照片去分享我的家 – 香港的故事,我十分喜歡分享我家的歷史、社區、文化、藝術等等,讓大家更認識我居住的城市。這個比賽的靈感就來源於此,我希望每一位都分享屬於你們城市的故事!

Why do I hold this contest? 舉辦這個比賽的原因

For me, culture is the most important element of humans. Culture builds history, ethnics, nations, home and love, as well as the cities we are living. I wish there are more steemians sharing the stories and the culture of their hown town, their cities, and I can see more posts related to culture in Steemit!


Winner of #2 HOME 第二回的勝出者!

1st Place - 夜.香港 | 月旦評 by @stabilowl

A nice photo with reflection in the water! And @stabilowl told us the daily life of people in his city. A good story!

很美的照片,矇矓的倒影給了這城市一種矇矓的感覺,@stabilowl 在故事中講述了他的城市中居民的日常生活與一些無奈,很好。

夜.香港 | 月旦評 | A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest #2: Night

2nd Place - Sports and more in the city | 运动与跟多在城市 by @ace108

It shows us the energy of the city. Although Singapore is a small country, it works hard to bring us energy. Thanks @ace108 letting us know the sport life at night in Singapore. (And seems there is a beautiful lady in the photo)

@ace108 的照片讓我們看到這個城市的活力,雖然新加坡是一個很小的國家,但它一直很努力的去展現他的力量,謝謝@ace108 讓我們認識新加坡的體育夜生活!(還有我很想認識照片中的美女)

Sports and more in the city | 运动与跟多在城市 (by @ace108)

3rd Place - Night, Entry #1 Victoria Harbour from the Peak @biuiam

Sorry. Night view of Hong Kong is my personal favour. But I believe everyone will agree the night view of Hong Kong is one of the best night views in the world!


A city a story photo weekly contest #2: Night, Entry #1 Victoria Harbour from the Peak

“A City a story” photo contest #3 Topic 題目



I will be the judge of week 3

Prizes 獎金

1st Place – 50% of the payout (minimum 5 SBD, if the amount is less then 5 SBD)

2nd Place – 30% of the payout (minimum 3 SBD, if the amount is less then 3 SBD)

3rd Place – 20% of the payout (minimum 2 SBD, if the amount is less then 2 SBD)

(Sorry It’s the maximum I can support. I wish you may upvote my post to raise the prize pool!)

第一名:50% Payout (不少過5 SBD)
第二名:30% Payout (不少過3 SBD)
第三名:20% Payout (不少過2 SBD)

Rule 規則

  • Your entry needs to be related to the topic
  • Tell us a story related to your entries and your city in your post (no matter how long or how short the story is)
  • Please include “A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest #” in your Post’s Title.
  • Entries must be original work
  • Add the tag “citystory” (no need the first tag)
  • Let us know your camera and your city
  • Deadline is 5th Dec 2017 Tue 21:30 (UTC+8)
  • Each user may have up to 3 entries to be considered
  • 你的作品需要與題目相關
  • 在你的文章中講一個和提交照片與你的城市有關的故事 (不論長短)
  • 文章的標題請包含”A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest #”
  • 只接受原創作品
  • 加上 “citystory”的Tag
  • 告訢我們你使用的相機及你的城市所在
  • 截止日期是12月5日晚上9:30 (北京時間)
  • 每人最多可提交3個作品

I Need Your Support! (And your sponsorship) 需要你的支持及贊助!

  • It’s my great pleasure if you can sponsor the contest!
  • You can upvote and resteem the post!
  • I am also looking for guest judge. Please contact me if you are interested!
  • And of course, joining the contest is the best support!
  • 尋求善長人翁贊助比賽 T_T
  • upvote及resteem是無任歡迎的!
  • 如你想成為客席評審,請隨時聯絡我!
  • 當然啦,參加比賽才是對我最大的支持!

It will be great to see your work soon! Submit your work!


Thanks for spending your time to read my articles. I like to share stories of Hong Kong. I wish you may support me and I will keep going!

Please Upvote and Follow me @aaronli


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