A city a story photo weekly contest #1 University of Hong Kong /一城一圖一故事比賽:香港大學

This is for @aaronli 's A city a story photo weekly contest, and the photo i choose to enter the contest is this as the Topic for this week is: HOME. This picture is taken with my iphone 5S. Usually the for a location, the first university to establish there will carry the name of the place. And HKU is the oldest University in Hong Kong. This is the most classical building of HKU, known as the Loke Yew Hall~

這是@aaronli的一城一圖一故事比賽每週比賽,我選擇用這張照片參加比賽,我用的是iPhone 5S。通常情況下,在那裡建立的第一所大學將用那地方的名字命名。香港大學是香港歷史最悠久的大學,。這是香港大學最經典的建築,被稱為陸佑堂~

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