A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest#20-【EASTER】~小城故事相片比賽#20-【復活節】


When I knew the topic of this week is Easter, the Ching Ming Festival (Tomb Sweeping Day) on my mind at once! Because I think mostly of Hong Kong people will go to Sweeping tomb in the Easter holiday, they are overlap at every year. The rest activities was strong in mind is the event held up at the shopping mall such as the above photo!

當我知道本週的主題是復活節時,清明節立刻就出現在我的腦海中! 因為我知道大多數的香港人在復活節假期都會去掃墓,因為這兩個節日的日子每年都非常相近。 餘下來還有印象的活動就是出現在上面的照片,在一些大型的購物商場所舉行的活動!


This shopping mall invited a famous Japanese animate character to launch a pop-up shop! Actually, I don't think that is very connected to the Easter! But you will find all the children are very happy to shop at there!

這個購物中心邀請了日本著名的動畫人物推出一個流動式商店! 其實,我認為這與復活節業並無很大的關聯聯, 但你會發現所有的孩子們都非常高興在那裡購物!


Their tiny furniture is very nice, so real and many kinds of interior design are displayed!



This event is held up by another shopping arcade, a little bit connect to the Easter, about eggs!



Easter eggs are particularly decorative eggs for Western countries celebrating Easter. Traditionally, colored eggs have been used. Modern habits usually use egg-shaped chocolate instead. Eggs are usually hidden in advance and then searched by children. It is a symbolic item for Easter. It is a way of expressing friendship, love and wishes. Christians use the Easter egg as a "new beginning of life," symbolizing "Jesus' resurrection and coming out of the stone tomb." [source by wiki]

復活節彩蛋是西方國家在慶祝復活節時特別裝飾性的蛋。傳統上一般是使用經過染色的蛋類。現代的習慣通常是使用蛋狀的巧克力代替。彩蛋一般事先藏好,然後由兒童來找尋。是復活節的象徵性物品,是表達友誼、關愛和祝願的方式。基督徒以復活蛋比喻為「新生命的開始」,象徵「耶穌復活、走出石墓」。 [資料來源:維基]


It make me so surprise that they offer electric pay for the Capsule Toy machine, Octoplus and AliPay. Maybe we can use bitcoin or steem dollar pay later!

這讓我感到非常驚訝,他們的扭蛋機已經支援八達通和支付寶, 或許我們在不久的將來可以使用比特幣或來SBD來抽扭蛋!


In fact, Easter is not a holiday for celebration. This is a period for the Christians or Catholic to memorial their god. It is as same as the Chinese who go to sweep the tomb to memorial their ancestors!

事實上,復活節並不是慶祝的節日,這是基督徒或天主教徒紀念他們的上帝的一段日子, 和我們的清明很相似,掃墓去紀念我們的祖先!


This is a huge Easter egg bought at a shop. You will find how big is it with the mouse!

這是在商店購買的一個巨大的復活節彩蛋, 你會發現它跟滑鼠比較便知道有多大!


Many thanks to @aaronli for hosting this competition and giving me a chance to look back the city in our busy life.

非常多謝 @aaronli 舉行這個比賽,給予一個機會,在忙碌的生活中細看我們所居住的城巿。

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