【Vickyの杭州印象】The Time-honored TCM Pharmacies 历史悠久的中医药房——Hu Qing Yu Tang 胡庆余堂

Hi, steemit friends!❤️
Here is my entry for A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest held by @aaronli.

这是我参加的由 @aaronli举办的小城故事相片比賽的作品。

If you ask about localite people in Hangzhou about the question of “Old Shop”, they will ask you: "What kinds of old shops do you ask for?" It is because that Hangzhou is a city owns the history of several thousand years, and there're a large amount of various kinds of shops here, most of them are even older than us.


This time, Vicky will introduce you a century-old shop:Hu Qing Yu Tang


Background 背景

Hangzhou has long played a vital role in China’s bustling Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) world . The immense hometown pride the city has in TCM can be seen all across Hangzhou , ranging from time-honored pharmacies and clinics that provide delightful cultural immersion for TCM enthusiasts to historical streets in downtown Hangzhou's Wu Liu Xiang (五柳巷) and Jianguo South Road , long associated with TCM——not to mention one of China's most prestigious TCM universities , offering an array of programs open to Westerners throughout the year.



The glorious TCM tradition of Hangzhou is personified by Hu Xueyan, the only member of the merchant class in the Qing Dynasty to be awarded a red-topped hat (a rank indicating an officer of second grade by the Qing imperial court), and one of the few people given the rare privilege by Empress Dowager Cixi to ride a horse in the Forbidden City.




The merchant's many ventures including banks, pawnshops and philanthropic projects. However, his best-known contribution that still stands to this day is Hu Qing Yu Tang. It is a medicinal hall known then for its uncompromising quality in medicine , ethical treatment of customers, and affordable healthcare services .



Launched in 1874, Hu Qing Yu Tang is as well known as the Tong Ren Tang medicinal hall in Beijing and has a greater sense of architectural authenticity. Since its inception, Hu Qing Yu Tang has scrupulously followed the Taping Pharmacopeia,an exhaustive and authoritative collection of drug-making doctrines and codes of practice compiled by the Southern Song, making it the indisputable crown jewel in the arts of natural medicine in China.

胡庆余堂创建于1874年,与北京同仁堂药房同样闻名。但较之于同仁堂,胡庆余堂更具有建筑学上的美感。 自成立以来,胡庆余堂一直严格遵守南宋时期编纂的药典《太平惠民和剂药局方》——这是一部详尽而权威的南宋药物治疗学说和规范,是中国天然药物艺术中毫无争议的珍宝。

A boycott led by the French in the early 1880s caused a disastrous cash flow problem in 1883 and the bankruptcy of the "Hu Empire" the next year. In 1885, Hu died depressed and destitute at the age of 62, leaving behind an ironic tale of tragedy and promise for people today to learn from .



Today, Hu Qing Yu Tang is China's only state-level TCM museum. The sprawling facility—encompassing an exhibition floor, drug-making workshop, TCM store, various clinical rooms offering herbal treatments and acupuncture, and a medicinal food restaurant—should not be missed by any visitor to Hangzhou who is interested in Chinese culture and history.



With the ambiance of traditional China perfectly retained in its architecture, the TCM lobby gives visitors the intriguing feeling of having traveled back in time 300 years and is a trustworthy place for souvenir-seekers looking for authentic Chinese herbal medicines and tonics.


Relishing the dappled light and shadow in the serenity of the halls courtyard, one cannot help but reflect upon the inexplicable interplay of historical factors and the struggle of individuals.



For first-timers in Hangzhou, the greatest charm of the museum may be the fact that the antique establishment is still visited by locals on a daily basis, lining up for diagnoses and prescriptions just as in days of old, which may be the greatest comfort to the frustrations and sorrows of Hu in his later years.



Other major TCM players in Hangzhou include Guang Xing Tang (广兴堂 ) and Zhang Tong Tai ( 张同泰) , the later best known for its ointment clinic where one can consult with the doctors for an amazing prescription for anything from seasonal testiness and nervous fits to diabetes and ronic Insomnia. Next time, Vicky will find a chance to introduce them to you one by one.


Camera相机:iPhone 7
City城市:Hangzhou, China 中国,杭州


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