Curating Music History: Last movements from 2nd Sonata in a minor (Westhoff)

This evening, I'm writing about my beloved Baroque era again! Featuring the last 3 movements (don't worry, they are short!) from the 2nd sonata by Johann Paul von Westhoff (1656 -1705). Westhoff was one the leading violinists and composers of the Dresden school, which in turn was one of the leading centres of music in the Baroque time. He was ranked by his contemporaries as one of the leading masters of the violin, and his compositions reflect the level of skill that he was said to have.

I have selected the last 3 movements from the Sonata 2 in a minor as they are a great contrast in style and character that was such a prevalent idea in the Baroque time.

The first example is an imitation of a lute, with the softness that is implied. In this performance, this means that the violin and cello play pizzicato, to try and emulate the archlute (which introduces the piece).

This is followed by a plaintive aria, a cry and plea for relief. This performance features some of the most tasteful and beautiful ornamentation from the violinist. They also feature a change in basso continuo setting, to bring back the harpsichord. Some of the harmony is quite unusual, more reminiscent of an Eastern setting!

This mood and character is soon broken by a good old Baroque Style rock out!

This piece used to sit in my repertoire as a great fun piece to play, but it got set aside at some point. After listening to it again, I really wait to relearn it and have it performance ready for the next time!

The Peformers

David Plantier was a violinist that someone recommended that I listen to many years ago. This disc of Westhoff violin sonatas was the exact disc that was recommended to me! In this setting his group, Les plaisirs du Parnasse, has him as the violinist and director, and as the the following as his continuo ensemble: Maya Amrein, cello; Shiruko Noiri, archlute; Andrea Marchiol, harpsichord.

It is a decently varied continuo group and they use the different settings to great effect (especially in this selection). Too often, groups fall into the trap of using everyone for everything, just because they are there, which leads to everything sounding very similar....

Previous Curating Music History posts

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Last movement from Violin sonata 2 (Prokofiev)

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'Sonata in d minor for violin and continuo" (Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre)

'Sonata duodecima' for Violin and Continuo(Isabella Leonarda)

Chaconne from Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme (Lully)

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6 Elizabethan Songs: Argento

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