A Study in the Style of a Bach Invention (Original Experimental Composition)

Hello everyone! Here is the next piece which I have written in the style of another composer. I had been studying the Bach invention a lot, and decided it might be fun to try to write my own (in the same style). So the other night, I wrote this whole thing out (And made adaptations over yesterday and today). It does not sound very good with the computer playing it, but I cannot teach myself to play it in just a day (I tried making a recording of each hand separately, but that sounded very much similar to how the computer plays it. So, I just decided to post the computer version. Anyway, let's get into the music:



I threw in a fugal element into this piece by having the second voice play the subject in the dominant key upon entry. However, I would not call this a strict fugue at all. It only has two voices, and I could not tell you how to strictly write a fugue if I tried (yet). Anyway, I consider the form to be loosely defined. If I had to assign a form, I would probably call it ternary form (?) I am unsure because I did not think in sections but rather modulating passages. So, I would say that every aspect of this piece is interwoven. I am loosely defining it as ternary because it has an "A section" followed by a "B section" followed by the return of the "A section."


I would not say that there is anything extraordinarily different about the harmonic ideas presented in this piece. I will say that I utilized the exact same material in measures 10-14 as in measures 5-9. All I did was swap voices (the bass played what the soprano had previously played and the soprano played what the bass had previously played). I am not sure if this could be referred to as loose version of invertible counterpoint. In fact, I am not sure how much counterpoint this piece utilizes at all. I am only familiar with species counterpoint, and have not yet applied it tonally. So, this piece really was an experiment. Anyway, here is my experiment with writing a composition in the style of a Bach invention (played by a computer):

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Thanks for reading this! Please remember that feedback is always appreciated. Please remember that these compositions are only experiments to help myself analyze and apply the styles of the masters. Anyway, see you later!

Also remember to check for: My weekly 7 post, As well as my composer birthday posts (Note) In order to encourage meaningful feedback on the platform, I will check comment trails of users who leave superficial comments (ie "Awesome post," or "Upvoted.") and will mute any users who exhibit a pattern of leaving "spammy" comments.

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