Creator of the Stars of Night (Original Hymn)

Hello everyone! In spirit of the recent start of summer break, here is a "summer themed" hymn I wrote recently (like a week ago). I hope to send it around to local churches and see if they are interested in performing it at some point.

Some interesting background about this piece is that I wrote the melody about a month ago. My parents weren't home, and I came home upset about something (I think it was a bad grade I had gotten), and needed a way to pass the time. I found this website, and went onto the christian poetry by unknown authors page. There I found this poem which I printed and thought of a theme for immediately. I then wrote the choir parts two weeks ago. Here is the traditional poem:

Creator of the Stars of Night

Creator of the stars of night,
Thy people’s everlasting light,
Jesu(s), Redeemer, save us all,
And hear Thy servants when they call.

Thou, grieving that the ancient curse
Should doom (un)to death a universe,
Hast found the medicine, full of grace,
To save and heal a ruined race.

Thou cam’st, the Bridegroom of the bride,
As drew the world to evening-tide;
Proceeding from a virgin shrine,
The spotless Victim all divine.

At Whose dread Name, majestic now,
All knees must bend, all hearts must bow;
And things celestial Thee shall own,
And things terrestrial (changed to mundane), Lord alone.

O Thou Whose coming is with dread
To judge and doom the quick and dead,
Preserve us, while we dwell below,
From every insult of the foe.

To God the Father, God the Son,
And God the Spirit, Three in One,
Laud, honor, might, and glory be
From age to age eternally.

I did not make it repeat six times, if you wish to read all six verses (there wasn't room on the music for the sixth, gotta photoshop it on), just play it six times. Anyway, here is the hymn:

Thanks for reading this! I have made it a goal to write five hymns/songs this summer. This counts as hymn 0 (it was written before the goal was set). I will hopefully post my progress over the summer. I will have a moral formal post about my goals for this summer up in the next week. As always, feedback is appreciated. See you later!

Also remember to check for: My weekly 7 post, As well as my composer birthday posts (Note) In order to encourage meaningful feedback on the platform, I will check comment trails of users who leave superficial comments (ie "Awesome post," or "Upvoted.") and will mute any users who exhibit a pattern of leaving "spammy" comments.

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