My ENTRIES for A Childhood Toys -Clayartcontest #7

Hi STEEMIANS its me again sharing my clay art contest @josejirafa with the theme ''a childhood toy"image.jpeg
My first childhood toy is toy car image.jpegsince I have two younger brothers in our childhood years we usually play together.
My second childhood toy is toy tren with rilles I was remember in my childhood years we receive with my brothers a gift from our family friend a toy tren.
My third childhood toy is an airplane toy this is my nephew's favorite toy.
My fourth childhood toy is kids trolley bike this toy is usually use by kids while playing in some children park's.
My fifth childhood toy is a toy colorful ball when I was a child I love to play this kind of toy, specially when we go in beach I always bring alone with me my colorful airball.image.jpeg .Again thank you @josejirafa for another Clayartcontest. Materials used -molding clays , scissors and knife. Happy me with my niece.
image.jpeg this time I nominate @abchro to try and share your talent in Steemit Clayartcontest 😄.And to all Steemian out there I'm invited you join this Clayartcontest its really fun.! 🤗.Godbless us all ! 😇

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