Hi there my Steemit friends and followers!
I am very happy to submit another post for @cleanplanet after some time again :)
The Mayan Riviera where we are currently based is a very touristy part of Mexico so most of the beaches here are relatively clean as the resort staff take care of the garbage but if you go to more remote places, you will still find a lot of trash. Yesterday, I headed to such a beach where I ended up collecting two bags of trash. Here is a little photo documentation of the action.
So this was my third official cleaning action for @cleanplanet as seen and captured by my dear @liltammy (thank you for your assistance, honey :-*). It took me about half an hour and think I collected some 5 kg of trash (mostly plastic again) this time. I cleaned approximately 1-km stretch of beach here in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Cannot wait to go and clean another place! :)
Hopefully, this post will inspire some other environmentally conscious Steemians to join this amazing initiative and come up with their own @cleanplanet actions and posts.