THE 100,000,000,000,000 $ SCAM


Man made Climate Change. Look nobody denies that the climate is changing, summer is getting hot and sometimes it also snows. We know all of that.

What we don't know if whether it is caused by humans or the FUCKING SUN? Yeah how about that. For example even the fact that humans are cutting out forests has absolutely no impact on the environment whatsoever. Yes it may cause some animals nearby to die out or some landslides, but nothing planetary scale.

Similarly the fact that CO2 causes global warming has already been debunked by top scientists. Everyone knows that CO2 does cause temperature increase in closed system, but the question is whether the Earth is a closed system? Well it turns out it isn't.


Look the number 1 rule in your life, is to be vigilant, especially when somebody is asking for money. Scammers are everywhere. Fucking government scammers, they like to extort people for everything.

"Just give us money and we will eradicate poverty and make everyone educated", they said, and then 100 years later you see people living in 2 square meter apartments as 50 year old virgins, but with a college diploma and 200,000$ debt. Fuck them!

Everytime when some sneaky con artist scumbag asks for your money, you have to be vigilant, because there are scams everywhere.

Now to pull of a 100 trillion $ scam, takes the art of scamming to a whole another level. It takes a really dumb fluoridated population, and massive amounts of propaganda.

In the 1980's the planet was cooling, then there was "Global Warming", and then there is "Climate Change". The bill is 100 trillion $ over the next 50 years, which was estimated to reduce GDP growth by about 40% yearly.

So shut up slave, if you want to save the planet just empty your wallet! Yeah like you can just stop a cosmic event by coughing up your money till your lungs are dry.


The truth is that CO2 is warming the air in a closed environment, but the Earth is not a closed environment and a lot of the energy from the CO2 in the higher atmosphere turns into electromagnetic energy, which then is irradiated into space through the Earth's magnetic field.

What does cause the climate change is the sun. There is no man made climate change, that is a big hoax and a scam. It's the fucking sun.

The sun is currently in a solar minimum, and also the Earth's magnetic field is currently pretty weak, there is some polar shift about to happen so a lot of the Sun's heat energy is just passing through instead of reflecting, so that is why the temperature is increasing.

But of course the government just wants you to cough up 100 trillion $ to reduce the temperature by about 0.5 degrees Celsius. Unbelievable. Even if it were true why the fuck would you spend 100 trillion on that bullshit instead of just cutting the fucking costs. After all it's the Government that does the most pollution.


Don't get me wrong I am an environmentalist. I love the environment, and I want to preserve it. But I have a nausea when I hear the government trying to scam people for more money. It's disgusting.

But if you actually want to help the planet why not just do the following:

  • END WARS AND MILITARY INVERVENTIONS (trust me a fucking tank division pollutes more than your average coal plant, not to mention the drone strikes)
  • END GOVERNMENT BORROWING (every penny that the government spends, is usually bad to the environment because it borrows it from the future taxpayers)
  • END TAXATION (well if the government should not spend that much, then subsequently it should not steal that much either)
  • END GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS (people would be able to self generate energy if not for some fucking bureaucrats requiring licenses always)
  • USE CRYPTOCURRENCY (you know using cryptocurrency actually helps the environment by allowing more efficient resource allocation into innovative projects and bypassing bureaucracy)

Also like not throwing trash away on the street and similar things. I like the environment so becoming an anarchist is the way to help the environment the most.


You know I have 1 rule of thumb. Never trust the media and the government. Whenever they are promoting something really hard you can instantly tell that it's a scam.

You know the War in Iraq and other bullshit, I can't believe people still believe the media afterwards. And don't be selective, just because you care for the environment that doesn't mean that you should just go along with the media narrative on climate change.

Use your own brain and research. There are many many evidences out there that completely debunk the human made climate change. Scientists were literally caught red handed faking data just for grants.

This is a global level corruption, where most academics are involved. They love getting those grants, and turns out even the big corporations are involved too, because they would get monopoly and subsidies through new legislations:

Watch here for real investigative journalism:

Everything else is just an echochamber of disinformation. James Corbett actually breaks down the scam behind all of it, a very good source of high quality information. But just do your own research, cross-reference information and see if it makes sense for you.

But remember, whenever somebody is trying to extort you for 100 trillion $, you should be very very very very very skeptical about their motive.


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