While scrolling through some posts i came across the weekly report from my friend Here, about the same time Smudge jumped up on my lap.
He meowed at the computer screen which i translated into "why cant i be the poster child one week for @tocho2?*"
So he then started to clean himself and went outside to sit on a chair in the sun, that means take my picture human LOL
Here are the pictures
Its a lovely Sunny winters day here today which has been great!
Not sure what we will have for dinner...maybe a roast chicken from the supermarket
If it is roast Chicken i know a certain cat who will be trying to get some
He's such a poser :)
Smudge is loving the sun and the birds chirping
Ok i think this is the one Smudge liked the best
Ok i think that's enough for @tocho2 to work with
Enjoy your Monday