Hey my Steemit friends, perhaps you also have house plants or flowers, and have you ever had this problem: when you are out traveling for business or leisure, who will water them if there are no other families at home? So today I'm sharing my solution with you: to make a plant saver! It's not only solving the problem of watering plants, but also an environment-friendly way to upcycle used plastic bottles and to make use of old fabrics. So why not give it a try? Now let's dive into the steps:
~具体步骤 ~
Step 1. Cut a big plastic bottle as in my pictures below:
👇 1. 先用小刀把洗净的大号塑料瓶(装可乐、雪碧、纯净水之类的那种大瓶,或者更大容量的桶状矿泉水瓶)割开,注意比例(如下图所示)-- 上半截较短,以便倒插之后下面还有放水的空间:
Step 2. Make a short cut at each side of the lower-half bottle:
👇 2. 给下半截瓶子的两侧各剪开一道小开口,以便于稍后倒插“花盆”:
Step 3. Cram a long piece of absorbing fabric into the opening of the first-half bottle (can be your worn socks, old cotton clothes that you don't wear anymore...):
👇 3. 在瓶口塞上吸水性好的布条,比如破袜子、破抹布、不会再穿的旧衣服之类的(又是废物利用的一个好例子哦)...... 瓶内瓶外各留一半布条,以便传递水分:
Step 4. Fill water in the lower-half bottle, and plant the flowers/plants into the first-half bottle with soil. Place the first-half bottle into the lower-half one. There you go - the self-watering plant saver is done! Pretty simple, isn't it?
👇 4. 在下半截瓶子里装上水,把土壤和绿植栽到上半截瓶子中。这样,一个利用废弃物制作的自动给水花瓶就完成啦!是不是很简单快捷?关键是出门在外几天就不用担心家里的植物喝不到水枯死啦。
So that's it for the plant saver DIY. What do you think of this idea? How did you get your plants watered when away from home? Feel free to share your comments below!