“听故事 学中文”活动正式开始筹备 "Listen to stories learning Chinese" campaign officially began preparations

  上午的时候,我们建立了“听故事 学中文”微信活动群,这标志着“听故事 学中文”这个活动的筹备工作正式开始了。



  2、因为steemit上文章7日后不可再修改,因此我们决定使用github(相信我,github的使用操作没有你想象的那么复杂,我也是刚学会使用:) )来保存和继续修改文章内容, 想要参与的同学请先注册个github账户,再初步熟悉下其简单使用方法,活动在github的地址为: rivalhw/idiomstory ,欢迎大家fork;

  3、“听故事 学中文”内容主要面向初学中文者,如儿童、母语非中文的外国人士等,所以力求文字简洁,内容有趣,其中既有文字,又有插画,类似小时候我们看连环画那种形式;



  6、我们非常欢迎更多有兴趣愿意参与的同学加入,包括文字创作和插画设计,可以微信我rivalhw 备注:听故事学中文,或者也可以扫描如下二维码加入活动筹备群。




"Listen to stories learning Chinese" campaign officially began preparations

In the morning, we established WeChat Activity Group "Listening to Chinese to Learn Chinese", which marked the beginning of the preparatory work for the activity of "Listening to the Story of Chinese".

As of now, we have identified some of the following ideas:

1, activities related to the content in the personal home page of Steemit;

2, because steemit above 7 days after the article can not be modified, so we decided to use github (believe me, github use the operation without your imagination so complex, I also just learn to use :)) to save and continue to modify the contents of the article, you want Participate in the classmates first register a github account, and then initially familiar with its simple to use, the address of activities in github: rivalhw / idiomstory, welcome to fork;

3, "Listen to the story of Chinese" content mainly for beginners of Chinese, such as children, non-native speakers of foreign languages, etc., so strive to concise, interesting, both text, illustrations, similar to childhood we look at the kind of comic form;

4, we will be divided by group division, with the corresponding illustrator;

5, the text content such as length, title, there will be some format requirements, but only the basic requirements, after all, our focus is in the creation, can not consume too much energy in other areas, all temporarily forbid to use markdown editing syntax;

6, We welcome more interested students who are willing to participate to join, including writing and illustration design, you can WeChat I rivalhw Note: Listen to the story of learning Chinese, or you can also scan the following QR code to join the activity preparation group.

Github related to the use of operating methods can be read as follows:

"GitHub use experience (GitHub basic operating instructions)"

"Git use concise tutorial : github actual combat exercise "

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