web game this The Double Man career【chapter 23 game start】网游之双面人职业【第二十三章第四层毁灭者】原创网游小说未经允许禁止转载

西瓜刚说完“呼•••”了一声灼翼狮飞了过去,西瓜郁闷了,这急性子也不是这样急的吧。我还没准备好呢。西瓜硬着头皮冲上去,一个“冰棱爆”拍这毁灭者身上。仇恨马上就建立起来。毁灭者愤怒的往西瓜追过来,西瓜立即激活阴阳符后在地上丢一个“尸毒”红色的身躯的毁灭者马上变成绿色的。“-120”.BOSS的血量一下就出来了。两万四。西瓜穿着速度靴子跑起来挺顺溜的,回头一看脸的绿了。毁灭者速度比他快一倍。西瓜跑一步,毁灭者跑两步。情急之下西瓜往回跑。这种情况要是被那把冒着绿色火焰的劈一下,不死也要住院几个月。四层真心不好惹。就在差5码距离的时候,西瓜硬是“冰棱爆”-25。我勒个去,才25点血。还好B0SS减速了。尸毒是按百分比扣血,120点的输出十分客观,但西瓜的得意技能冰棱爆打出来的效果真的差强人意。在技能还没回复之前西瓜只能跑,跑到通往往三层的洞口,西瓜一头撞在洞口上,我去,不能回三层的。这不是想让老夫玩完嘛。掉头顺这墙角跑。毁灭着临进西瓜的时候,西瓜计算好阴阳符。一个回身扯。毁灭者被冰冻了,0.5秒。减速3秒,西瓜趁这这个时候赶紧爬到山洞的墙壁上“攀爬”两米五高的BOSS。西瓜足足爬了四米高的时候BOSS减速完,追到西瓜下面,绿色宽剑砍在墙壁上,还真差那么一点点。西瓜看了周围,左上方十码外有个地方可以站脚。西瓜现在什么都不想,只想保住老命要紧。其他的都是假的,每爬一下毁灭者就在身后砍两剑。吓得西瓜尿了。边爬边叨唠“我是睡你媳妇没给钱了还是杀你父母了。至于这么对我吗”总算爬到站脚的位置,西瓜惊魂未定的看BOSS。再看灼翼狮的战况。一只冰霜骨龙已经被灼翼狮弄得剩下一半血,另一只还是满血的,西瓜掏出神器“弹弓”墙上拔下一块小碎石,“啪”一声碎石弹在BOSS 额头,本来就有仇恨的毁灭者一下更来火了,什么时候受过这样的耻辱。你打什么地方不好,偏偏打脸。BOSS的脸本来就长得像乌龟。非常的自卑,被西瓜这般羞辱火更大了。在强上狂劈,劈得那火星子直冒。可惜就是劈不到,西瓜笑了“你不只难看,而且还矮”那笑声听起来任谁听了都想揍他。西瓜从墙上再扣一块碎石出来。往毁灭者头上弹。“冰棱爆”。
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Save him. 17 levels of players on the 29 level of the monster, the gap is very wide. Watermelons try to dodge. Look at the side. As long as there is an opportunity, the ice is exploded. A skill ice edge detonating down -52.-56.-54. level suppression is less hurt. The only thing that watermelons can do now is to keep themselves undead so that they can wait for the wing lion. And the sky burning wing lion 60 to the top 45 frost bone dragon, completely occupied the upper wind. It looks as if there's no pressure. It seems that the three story is just a matter of time. Watermelon is not able to avoid being cut down, buckle 40% of the blood, watermelon only realize that yin and yang are not activated. There was a silver white symbol around the circle around it. A great reduction in the probability of being attacked. For nearly 5 minutes, the frost bone dragon gave out a "snap" of a pile of bones to rain from the sky. The burning wing lion cleaned up the frost bone dragon and immediately came to the watermelon to reinforce it. 32 down, the watermelon finally got rid of the hatred. All these bones ran to the burning wing lion. Watermelon sat on the ground, there is also little fat was 5 minutes, too tired to dog, winded. Just do look at the winged lion fighting. Who knew that the burning wing lion had stood in front of himself. And look at yourself with a very disdain look. Watermelon can not manage so much, first look at the frost bone dragon burst what? The watermelon began to find nothing for a long time. "Why, so big a BOSS doesn't explode anything. Not ah "watermelon know where a game player played will burst out, NPC was hit is not the explosion. The watermelon eyes are crying and swollen.

Pick up some medicine water bottles that the knight burst out, and dry the tears. Go ahead. The three layer without any accident too, watermelon and the winged lion continue to burn four to four layer after layer, watermelon is a bit silly, four layer map smaller, also estimated the radius of 250 yards, three strange, two level 31 BOSS frost dragon bone, there is a level 45 BOSS called the destroyer, covered in red. Just a long enough bone frost risk, how this is down to two. And the destroyer, the face is very bad. The tortoise's head, with wings. Foot is the hoofs of the hand, like a wide wooden sword. This green flame burning blade, but also blame humanity. This can be more ugly than the legendary Jiang Ziya's horse. It's impossible for two watermelon frosty bone dragons to be possible, but the destroyer is four layers of BOSS, definitely more than the frost bone dragon. Waiting strategy is burning the winged lion tropia despise watermelon. Watermelon crustily skin "do you first kill two long bone, I took the destroyer, you kill them to come and save me"
The watermelon has just finished saying "hello" a burning wing lion flew past, the watermelon is depressed, this urgent is not so urgent. I'm not ready yet. The watermelon flashed up the scalp, and a "ice ribbed" shot the destroyer. Hatred is set up immediately. The destroyer of anger to the watermelon chase, immediately after the activation of yin and Yang in the watermelon on the floor of a "poison" red body of the destroyer immediately turns green. The amount of blood from "-120".BOSS comes out. Twenty-four thousand. 西瓜穿着速度靴子跑起来挺顺溜的,回头一看脸的绿了。 The destroyer was twice as fast as he was. The watermelon runs one step, and the destroyer runs two steps. The watermelons run back in a hurry. It would be a few months to stay in hospital if it was split by the green flame. The four story is really bad. At the distance of 5 yards, the watermelon is the "ice rig" -25. I'm going to go, only 25 points of blood. It's good that B0SS has slowed down. The poison is a percentage deduction blood, output 120 points is very objective, but the watermelon ice burst out of his skill the effect is really just passable. Watermelons can only run before they get back to their skills. They run to the entrance to the three floor. The watermelon hits the hole in the mouth of the cave. I can't go back to the three floor. This is not to let the play. Turn around the corner of the wall. When the watermelon is destroyed, the watermelon can calculate the Yin and Yang characters. A turn off. The destroyer was frozen for 0.5 seconds. Slow down for 3 seconds, while the watermelon this time quickly climbed up the wall of a cave on the climb two meters high of BOSS. When the watermelon climbed up to four meters high, the BOSS slowed down. Following the watermelon, the green broad sword was cut down on the wall. It was really a little bad. The watermelon looked around.
There is a place in the upper left ten yards to stand. Watermelons don't think about anything now, just to keep the old life tight. The rest are false, and every crawling destroyer cuts two swords behind him. The watermelon was terrified. "I climb the side of garrulousness is sleep your wife did not give money or kill your parents. As for this to me "was climbing the station foot position at BOSS, still suffering from the shock of watermelon. Look at the winged lion. A frost dragon bone has been burning the winged lion got half blood, the other one is full of blood, pulled out a watermelon artifact "slingshot" on the wall off a small piece of stone, "pa" is a stone projectile in BOSS had a hatred of the forehead, the destroyer of some more laihuo, what time by such a shame. You have what not good, but the face. BOSS's face was originally like a tortoise. The humiliation of a watermelon is much greater than the humiliation of watermelon. In the strong, split the Martian son. It was a pity that the watermelon laughed. "You are not only ugly, but also short." the laugh sounds like anyone who wants to beat him. The watermelon buckled a piece of gravel out of the wall. Play on the head of the destroyer. "Ice rig".
The burning wing lion had already killed a frost bone dragon, and the other was killed by 10% of the blood. Watermelons are now holding BOSS, and four layers are staple on the iron plate.
The system hints: the destroyer has received unprecedented humiliation. After mutation, it was grade 51. BOSS can't be attacked in 3 seconds. Watermelon "I go, 45 level old husband can't eat, you give me a 50 level."

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