自闭症是一份礼物;它是在一个在神经平淡世界里的多样化神经 // Autism is a Gift; It is Neurodiversity in a NeuroBland World (featuring @sterlinluxan as author)

这个帖子的原作者是@sterlinluxan. 你可以在这里找到原文 :

This post was originally written by @sterlinluxan.
You can find the original story here:

自闭症是一份礼物;它是在一个在神经平淡世界里的多样化神经 // Autism is a Gift; It is Neurodiversity in a NeuroBland World


One of the trends in autism and neurodiversity communities is this movement away from finding the "cause" of autism and instead trying to improve quality of life and perceptions of these unique individuals.


The first step is for the medical establishment to stop looking at these beautiful people as broken or diseased. This only leads the medical industry to undergo this constant search for a "cure," which dehumanizes or stigmatizes certain autistic people.


It is true that "lower functioning" autistic children have trouble with their abdominals, movement, gastrointestinal issues, and socialization problems, but this difference in functioning is not necessarily permanent or sign of disease.


It is Nearly Impossible to Locate the Precise Cause of Autism


Current research on whether genetics "causes" autism has shown that there is such a large number of genes and such a multiplicity of environmental factors that it is nearly impossible to locate a single genetic factor that causes a "disability" caused autism.


And even if a single gene were located, does that automatically imply that autism is a disease or malfunction? Are high IQ's or other genetic anomalies de facto diseases or malfunctions?

当然,行为、社会、情感和认知特征符合“自闭症”的标签 的人可以得到帮助和协助,但我不认为他们比附有音乐天份或聪明的人更愈需要治愈。

Sure, people with the behavioral, social, emotional, and cognitive profiles that match the label called "autism" could be helped and assisted, but I do not think they need a cure anymore than someone needs a cure for possessing musical genius or intelligence.


Autistics only need acceptance, aid, and specialized environments that cater to their unique needs, especially in regards to their social requirements.


Natural Variation in Genetic Differences and Neurodiversity


Many people with the gift are pushing for acknowledgement that their specific form of functioning is just based on natural variations in genetics, which is how the concept of "neurodiversity" was born.


They see themselves as unique and different, not as objects to be examine or probed. Steve Silberman elaborated on this phenomenon by pointing out that there has been an increase in autistic children in the Silicon Valley area. He has dubbed this phenomenon the "geek syndrome."

极客综合症意味着这些人都是超级聪明的,不同的,并在某些认知领域能高度学习。它并不意味着他们有问题或疾病。它甚至不意味着疫苗毒害了他们(我在以下视频有所讨论)。这可能意味着,有自闭症的人只是一个神经平淡的世界里的神经多样化的个体 - 或只是一个不能很好地适应这种无趣和规则的社会的人。

The Geek Syndrome implies that these people are hyper intelligent, different, and demonstrate higher learning in certain cognitive domains. It does not mean that have a problem or disease. It does not even mean that vaccines poisoned them (which I discuss in the video below). It might mean that autistic people are neurodiverse individuals in a neuro-bland world—or simply individuals who don't adjust well to this uninteresting and rule-laden society.


Therefore, maybe it is time to accept them for who they are instead of trying to "fix" them. Maybe "neurotypical" people should consider that they do not comprehend the world in the same beautiful way as autistics.


Silberman provided an example of how they feel about neurotypicals:

“根据自闭症的标准,“正常的”大脑容易分心,是一个非常爱社交,并难以注重细节和非常常规的。因此,在这些频谱的人们体验的典型神经世界是不可预测和混乱的,永远非常大声,又充满着不尊重个人空间的人。― Steve Silberman, NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity

“By autistic standards, the “normal” brain is easily distractible, is obsessively social, and suffers from a deficit of attention to detail and routine. Thus people on the spectrum experience the neurotypical world as relentlessly unpredictable and chaotic, perpetually turned up too loud, and full of people who have little respect for personal space.” ― Steve Silberman, NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity


In this Video I tackle the Problem of Autism and Vaccines:

我的名字是Sterlin 。在@ Psychologic-Anarchist跟随我。我也运行Psychologic-Anarchist的面子书,并制作许多YouTube视频。我的兴趣在于心理辅导和无政府主义的交集。我编写关于精神病学的掠夺,和附同情心无政府主义的新理念。我们有一个庞大的社区专门讨论心理学和自愿服务。

My name is Sterlin. Follow me @ Psychologic-Anarchist. I also run the Psychologic-Anarchist Facebook page and produce many YouTube videos. My interests lie in the intersection of counseling psychology and anarchism. I write about the depredations of psychiatry, and also the new philosophy of compassionate anarchism. We have a large community devoted to discussing psychology and relational voluntaryism.

这个帖子的原作者是@sterlinluxan. 你可以在这里找到原文 :

This post was originally written by @sterlinluxan.
You can find the original story here:

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