Kast Cave Wonders - China Taishan Great Canyon 7天游历山东17城市--泰安番外篇(泰山大裂谷)

 Kast Cave Wonders - China Taishan Great Canyon
Taishan Great Canyon Scenic Area is located in Tai'an City, Shandong Province, China. This canyon, hundreds of meters deep, is a fault zone between two mountains, displaying a lot of magnificent landscape. It offs you a total sightseeing length of 6 km. The karst caves showcase stones of fantastic shapes and forms, looking like tigers, elephants, or black bears, or you might find them perhaps not very much like. Either way, beauties and good scenes are there. No more talk about these natural works, let's have a look at the pictures.
Tai'an city is the home to a lot of outlandish landscapes and cultural sites. I will describe the canyon, Tai'an town, and Mount Tai (Taishan) in three articles respectively. Hope you'll be interested. 

 泰山大裂谷风景区位于中国山东省泰安市,是两座山的断裂带,深入地下数百米,形成了很多壮丽的景观,整体观赏长度达到6公里。溶洞里这些奇形怪状的石头,有的像老虎,有的像大象,有的像狗熊,或许你又会觉着不那么像。不过美丽是一定的,天然造化形成的东西,我就不多语言描述了,看图欣赏吧。泰安市有很多奇特的地形地貌和人文景观,我将分三帖分别记录大裂谷、泰安城区,泰山,希望得到大家的支持。 行程进行到泰安,觉得可以值得像海外推广的景点有三处,岱庙、大裂谷,泰安,内容又比较丰富,因此以岱庙为泰安主贴,大裂谷、泰山作为番外帖发布。岱庙已经游览完毕,作为泰安主帖稍晚些会发布,泰山将视天气和体能决定游览时间(泰安预报雷阵雨),重点描述还是会放在泰山番外帖上。

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